Koli The Shadow

Koli is known as the Heir The God of Gods.  

Title Origins

Wise Hand

Koli is the Hand of Heir The God of Gods. With his ever seeking thirst for wisdom he has proven himself time and time again as an essential ally to the gods. He has assisted Heir in many fruitful conquests by having the information that he needed at the time.


Dreamshroud is a name used as a title for Koli as well as the act of one's god to speak to them within their own dreams. Koli's affinity to dreams is what allows him to manifest these visions.

The Eclipsed

Koli is known as the Eclipsed, or less commonly The Eclipsed One, within Shularix because he is the creator of Luna and Mani and twice a year the eclipse occurs.    


Koli's followers can be found throughout all of Shularix, the Dwarv followers call him Myrkølese. Most notably they are found within the city of Hibora and mostly consist of Dwarv in this area, although since the Draconis War more of his followers have flocked to provide an offering. Followers of Koli are commonly known as Kolists, the term originating from the Dwarv when Hibora was founded, and the term quickly spread among all of his followers.   Historical legends tell that Koli created the twin moons Luna and Mani in the vision of his friends and fellow gods Heir The God of Gods, and Grace The Fallen. Being the lunar lord he is believed to be the cause of many lunar phenomenon and imbue mana upon the locations most touched by his lights. Two of the most commonly refered to locations include Hibora where strange lights take over the sky at Years End, and in the Lunaris region where the twin moons light is split upon where it touches.  


The Akolites, The Shadow-Touched
The Akolites, or more commonly referred to as Kolites, are a group within the Kolist community that are believed to have been directly blessed by Koli himself. Followers do not willingly become a Kolite as they must be chosen by Koli himself either at birth, or through devotion. Once a year while the rest of Shularix are celebrating the Year's End Lunamani Festival, many Dwarv instead arrive for the Dwarvenlag where new born children on this day are offered to recieve blessing by Koli himself. Those that are chosen are immediately formed to be a Kolist. While there is no known agenda that a Kolite has, many of them travel the land to spread the whispers and touch of Koli.

Divine Symbol

The Lunar Ring

Divine Classification

Divine Domains


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