Sabil Percy

Sabil Percy

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sabil was born to an unknown mother and father. When she was only within a week of having been born a wrapped child was placed upon the steps of the Tranquil Orphanage. She spent much of her life living at the mercy of the cruel sisters who ran the orphanage, doing their bidding in cleaning and cooking as all of the other children would do. While the orphanage did adopt out some of the children that lived within, some were not so lucky, some were meant to be groomed to adult hood to serve another purpose. Always finding excuses for these children to not be adopted. Sabil had been one of those selected. When she was only about eight years old is when she met Arlo Devine. Whom recently became orphaned after the passing of his father. The two quickly became friends, and were only separated within the orphanage when they were forced to be. Their sibling bond grew, and between the two of them standing up for each other and the other children, tension began to grow within. Years later Arlo was able to cause an incident that helped Sabil become visible to a couple stopping in. The couple quickly were enamored with Sabil and knew she was the daughter they always wanted. The sisters of the orphanage made attempts to excuse the girls adoption, but were unsuccessful... Causing Arlo to take the fall of punishment. Within a couple years, word spread of the orphanage's misconduct and would soon be shut down.   Sabil moved away and in with the farmer couple whom had adopted her, Brent Percy and Everett Percy owners of the Emerald Barrel. She learned the ways of a farm hand, quickly picking up and learning the ways. And the love they gave to her was everything she had wanted as a small girl. As Arlo grew older he would make travels down to the Emerald Barrel to visit and aid in the duties on the farm. They held their sibling bond, though Sabil's feelings would grow as she seen Arlo as her shining white knight. She never fully acted on those feelings as she believed he did not see her the same way.   Shortly after the events of the Hammerfall. Sabil's parents would pass away, leaving her to run the farm land and the tavern by herself. With Sabil now at the reigns, and not wanting to let her family's legacy die. She made quick changes to bring in extra help on the farm, and quickly the inn and farm grew in popularity. She held high support for the Knights Of Devine and supported them and any recruits wherever she could. Even assisting in the establishment of farm lands near their headquarters. Through her friendship with the Knights and Arlo himself, she met Rivin Saintcloud a fellow Beacon Of Hope within the Knights and eventually the two would marry.


Family Ties


Sabil Percy

Adobtive Sibling

Towards Arlo Devine


Arlo Devine

Adobtive Sibling

Towards Sabil Percy


Sabil Percy


Towards Rivin Saintcloud


Rivin Saintcloud


Towards Sabil Percy


Current Location
Year of Birth
800 N.E. 51 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Arlo Devine (Adobtive Sibling)
Shoulder Length Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations