The Duchy of Sinbrou Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Duchy of Sinbrou

The Duchy

The Duchy of Sinbrou is a duchy on the Island of Jøvikka. The capital of the Duchy of Sinbrou is Roosania. Their national animal is a monkey. The citizens of Sinbrou are the Sinbroii. The ruling dynasty of Sinbrou are the Twostroke. Their titles include Duke of the Duchy of Sinbrou, Lord of Roosania, Admiral of the Sinbroii and Wolf of the Western Seas. Their current sovereign is the Duke Misha I Twostroke.

The Flag

The flag of Sinbrou is square shaped, with triangle-spikes extending from the bottom and outer edge of the flag. Along the inner edge, along the flag-pole, runs a band of scarlet red. In the band are stitched the father-runes of Sinbrou. The field of off-white, that is most of the flag, was chosen purely in contrast to the red.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Jøvikkan Thrent

  • 1 KA

    31 Janvier

    Criminal Activity

    On the 31st of Janvier bandits sprung up in the county of Alt Roosan. They ransacked the town and looted it for gold.
    Our gracious duke, Misha I Twostroke, let the people of Alt Roosan handle the menace themselves.

  • 1 KA

    29 Aðar

    Raiders in the Duchy of Sinbrou
    Criminal Activity

    On the 29th of Aðar raiders ravaged the county of Spalding. They scorched the towns and looted them for gold.
    Duke Misha I Twostroke sent the army after the raiders to prevent them wreaking even more havoc.

  • 1 KA

    13 Apryl

    Birth of Lord Robberd
    Life, Birth

    Great Leader rejoice! On the 13th of Apryl your wife has birthed a child. A beautiful boy who might one day rule your duchy. We, the people, pray he shall enjoy a life long and plenty. Now remains only the naming of your son.
    Our great leader, Duke Misha I Twostroke, has chosen the name Robberd for his son.

  • 1 KA

    16 Aralik

    Criminal Activity

    On the 16th of Aralik pirate ships sailed by the county of Spalding. They boarded the ducal trade ships and left with all the gold.
    Duke Misha I sent out the Wolf Fleet to fight back against the pirates.


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