The Pristine Order of Jacobishe Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Pristine Order of Jacobishe

The Pristine Order

The Pristine Order of Jacobishe is a knightly order on the Island of Jøvikka. The capital of the Knights of Jacobishe is Janos. Their national animal is the giraffe. The citizens of Jacobishe are Jacobines. The Pristine Order of Jacobishe is a noble stratocracy. The titles of their sovereign include Lord-Commander of Jacobishe, Marshall of the Realm, Lord of Janos and Prince of the Jacobines. Their current sovereign is the Lord-Commander Siegfried Neuzer.  

The Flag

The flag of the Pristine Order features a white cross which is the symbol for the Order of Jacobishe. The blue was chosen simply because it complimented the white so well.
Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Alternative Names
Knights of Jacobishe
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Jøvikkan Thrent

  • 1 KA

    24 Otsalia

    Death of the Lord-Commander of Jacobishe
    Life, Death

    We regret to inform you that on the 24th of Otsalia, Lord-Commander Jan has passed. Jan Keuter was 64 when he passed. Lord-Commander Jan will be mourned by the great people of Jacobishe. It seems, however, that a successor must now be found for his titles and duties. Our deepest condolences.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 KA

    25 Otsalia

    Inauguration of Lord-Commander Siegfried of Jacobishe
    Political event

    After the loss of our esteemed Lord-Commander on the 25th of Otsalia our nation was thrust into the hands of a transitional government. Now it seems the merited heir, General Siegfried Neuzer, will take over the empty shoes. Long live the Lord-Commander!
    Long live Lord-Commander Siegfried!

    Additional timelines
  • 1 KA

    3 Apryl
    35 KA

    29 Novobar

    Jacobishe joins the Alliance of the Blue Kroon
    Diplomatic action

    On the 3rd of Apryl the Pristine Order of Jacobishe met up with a representative of the Alliance of the Blue Kroon and spoke out for an alliance of prosperity.

    More reading
    Treaty of Janosfield
  • 1 KA

    28 Lunasa
    1 KA

    11 Aralik

    Pretender Rebellion in Jacobishe
    Military action

    On the 28th of Lunasa General Heinrich Keuter rose up in rebellion against his liege Lord-Commander Siegfried Neuzer. The rebellion started in Esbarronfield and is quickly spreading across the land.

  • 2 KA

    4 Otsalia

    Religious Tensions in Vanasr
    Religious event

    Recently tensions between Atheism and Kroonism reached an all new high. On the 4th of Osamb practitioners of both views were found in conflict with each other. The mayor of Vanasr didn’t know how to deal with this aggression and passed the problem up to you.
    Our wise and noble commander, Siegfried Neuzer, denounced Atheism and proclaimed Kroonism as the state religion.


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