On the 13th of Aðar pirate ships sailed by county of Christiansund. They boarded the clan trade ships and left with all the gold.
Chieftain Christian I redrew the trade routes to avoid the pirates.
On the 26th of Aðar the First Kingdom of the Blue Kroon and the Clan of Jåneisgay came together and spoke out for a mutual alliance. They state their intent for prosperity and economic strength for the nations on Jøvikka.
On the 3rd of Apryl the Pristine Order of Jacobishe met up with a representative of the Alliance of the Blue Kroon and spoke out for an alliance of prosperity.
Over the past months we've received several reports of corruption within your government in the county of Minkstrømmen. We thought we could keep it quiet but yesterday, the 12th of Apryl, several peasants arrived demanding you take action.
Our esteemed chieftain, Christian I Danger, executed these traitors to his government.
On the 28th of Lunasa General Heinrich Keuter rose up in rebellion against his liege Lord-Commander Siegfried Neuzer. The rebellion started in Esbarronfield and is quickly spreading across the land.