The Clan of Jåneisgay Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Clan of Jåneisgay

The Clan

The Clan of Jåneisgay is a clan on the Island of Jøvikka. The capital of the Clan of Jåneisgay is Minkistøm. Their national animal is a barnacle. The citizens of Jåneisgay are Geyisi. The ruling dynasty of Jåneisgay are the Danger. Their titles include Chieftain of Jåneisgay, Elder of Minkistøm, Talker of the People and Rider of the Rainbow Wave. Their current sovereign is the Chieftain Christian I Danger.  

The Flag

The flag of Jåneisgay depicts a blue flame on a backdrop of darker blue. The blue signifies the Geyisi connection with the seas. The flame stands for the pride of the Geyisi.
Geopolitical, Clan
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Jøvikkan Thrent


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