The Kingdom of Finna Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Finna

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of Finna is a kingdom on the Isle of Fisnår. The capital of the Kingdom of Finna is Erbas. Their national animal is a colibri. The citizens of Finna are Finnasi. The ruling dynasty of Finna are the Koudbergen. Their titles include King of the Kingdom of Finna, Lord of Erbas, White Flower of the Isle and King of the Finnasi. Their current sovereign is the Queen Fenne I Koudbergen.

The Flag

The Flag of the Kingdom of Finna is adorned by the national flower on the pole side. The rest of the flag is a blue field that comes together in a semicircle tip. The blue here signifying the deep connection between Finnasi and the sea. The rounded end symbolises the Finnasi desire for peace.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Barter system
Silver Marks


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