The Empire of Wa'jar Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Empire of Wa'jar

The Empire

The Empire of Wa’jar is an empire in the center of Venasahn. The capital of the Empire of Wa’jar is Fa’jan. Their national animal is an otter. The citizens of Wa’jar are the Wa'jari. The ruling dynasty of Wa’jar are the Ot-O’randa. Their titles include Emperor of Wa’jar, Lord of Fa’jan, Lord-Protector of the Wa’jari and Silent One. Their current sovereign is the Emperor Jan-Freerk I Ot-O’randa.

The Flag

The flag of Wa'jar is made up of a yellow field, symbolising the sun and sand of the Oasis Desert. On the bottom third a green spear points away from the flagpole. The green spear is an element of the Wa'jari mythos. The text "Ier cyer" is the national motto of Wa'jar.


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