The Kingdom of Ardaha Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Ardaha

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of Ardaha is a kingdom on the coast of Venasahn, hugging the south shores of the Na’zon delta. The capital of the Kingdom of Ardaha is Ephidéa. Their national animal is the swan. The citizens of Ardaha are Ardahan. The ruling dynasty of Ardaha are the Sylvirium. Their titles include King of Ardaha, Lord of Ephidéa, Holder of Sylvir and Lord of the Na’zon White-lilies. Their current sovereign is the Queen Anniek I Sylverium.

The Flag

The flag depicts the silhouette of a white swan on a blue field. This symbolises the innate connection to- and the beauty of the Na’zon. Designs cover the top of the flag. In the corners one finds the small leaves of a river plant, signifying the fertility of the land. And the famous Ardahan pattern shows the unity of the people behind the kings of Sylvirium.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Sylvirian Folli

  • 2 KA

    6 Janvier

    Financial Event

    Over the past months we've received several reports of corruption within your government in the county of Aradéa. We thought we could keep it quiet but yesterday, the 5th of Janvier, several peasants arrived demanding you take action.
    Our esteemed queen, Anniek I Sylverium, fired the officials and sent them to work in the fields as forced labourers.


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