The Herrschaft of Istadt Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Herrschaft of Istadt

The Herrschaft

The Herrschaft of Istadt is a lordship along the northern coast of Venasahn. The capital of the Lordship of Istadt is Istadt. Their national animal is a phoenix. The citizens of Istadt are Östfallian. The ruling dynasty of Istadt are the Bulgar-von Juhelm. Their titles include Burgherr of Istadt, Ritter of the Order of Bulgar, Son of the Phoenix and Keeper of the Staff of the Skies. Their current sovereign is the Burgherr Maxim I Bulgar-von Juhelm.

The Flag

The Flag of Istadt is made of two parts, one is checkered red and white and the other is solid orange. Red and orange are the colours of the house of Bulgar-von Juhelm and white is the colour of new beginnings.
Geopolitical, Lordship
Alternative Names
Lordship of Istadt
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Jorvik Pennies

  • 1 KA

    25 Devet

    Birth of Frau Tessa
    Life, Birth

    Great Leader rejoice! On the 25th of Devet your wife has birthed a child. A beautiful girl who might one day rule your lordship. We, the people, pray she shall enjoy a life long and plenty. Now remains only the naming of your daughter.
    Our great leader, Burgherr Maxim I Bulgar-von Juhelm, has chosen the name Tessa for his daughter.


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