The Duchy of Nouilles Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Duchy of Nouilles

The Duchy

The Duchy of Nouilles is a duchy in the north-west of Venasahn, by the coast. The capital of the Duchy of Nouilles is Riz. Their national animal is a dragon. The citizens of Nouilles are Nouillians. The ruling dynasty of Nouilles are the Démedi. Their titles include Duke of Nouilles, Lord of Riz, Father of the Nouillians and Khan-Heir to the Throne of Tengi. Their current sovereign is the Duchess Zazie I Démedi.

The Flag

The flag of Nouilles is a simple triangle by shape. Along the pole-side are written the characters of man, fire, horse and strength. All these are important historical attributes of the Nouillians and are signs of high status within Nouillians society. The colour of the flag, a shade off white, is an homage to the original material of the flag; coloured horse hair.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Östfallian Hardcoin


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