The High Lordship of Rafensburg Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The High Lordship of Rafensburg

The High Lordship

The High Lordship of Rafensburg is a lordship along the Little Ösh. The capital of the Lordship of Rafensburg is Rafensburg. Their national animal is the Great Bison. The citizens of Rafensburg are Jellan. The ruling dynasty of Rafensburg are the von Rafensburg. Their titles include High Lord of Rafensburg, Knight in the Order of the Raven, Marshall of the Realm and Head of the House of Rafensburg. Their current sovereign is the High Lord Wolfrich I von Rafensburg.

The Flag

The flag of Rafensburg is made up of two colours. The first, dark green, symbolises the rich woodland of Rafensburg. The second, black, has the shape of a northern cross with a circle at the crossing. It symbolises the power of the city of Rafensburg.
Geopolitical, Lordship
Alternative Names
Lordship of Rafensburg
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Jellan Pounds

  • 1 KA

    9 Apryl


    Today, 9th of Apryl, thousands of peasants have taken to the streets of Wassertorp. They demand that you lower the taxes in the lordship.
    High Lord Wolfrich I of the House von Rafensburg demanded the leader's heads.

  • 1 KA

    25 Devet
    6 KA

    6 Aðar

    The Construction of the Cathedral of Ritzdam
    Construction beginning/end

    The committee of Jellan builders have come to you with a proposal to construct a wonder for the world to attribute to your name. This wonder, a cathedral, will be named the Cathedral of Ritzdam and will be built in the county of Ritzdam.


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