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The Kingdom of Kroatn

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of Kroatn is the kingdom between the Ösh and the Little Ösh rivers. The capital of the Kingdom of Kroatn is Zagrados. Their national animal is a marten. The citizens of Kroatn are Kroat. The ruling dynasty of Kroatn are the Carić. Their titles include King of Kroatn, Lord of Zagrados, High Duke of Zagrad and Leader of the Kroat. Their current sovereign is the King Dalvard I Carić.

The Flag

The flag depicts a green tree on top of a red field. The tree represents the endless forests of Kroatn. And the red field signifies the blood of the martyrs that laid their lives for the Kingdom of Kroatn.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Kroatian Forint

  • 1 KA

    11 Juïn

    Birth of Princess Ronja
    Life, Birth

    Great Leader rejoice! On the 11th of Juïn your wife has birthed a child. A beautiful girl who might one day rule your kingdom. We, the people, pray she shall enjoy a life long and plenty. Now remains only the naming of your daughter.
    Our great leader, King Dalvard I Carić, has chosen the name Ronja for his daughter.

  • 2 KA

    30 Janvier

    Raiders in the Kingdom of Kroatn
    Criminal Activity

    On the 30th of Janvier raiders ravaged the county of Outer Tarnagh. They scorched the towns and looted them for gold.
    King Dalvard I Carić sent the army after the raiders to prevent them wreaking even more havoc.


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