The Republic of Jeili Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Republic of Jeili

The Republic

The Republic of Jeili is a republic along the Little Ösh. The capital of the Republic of Jeili is Ang’el. Their national animal is a swallow. The citizens of Jeili are the Jellan. The Republic of Jeili is a presidential republic. The titles of their sovereign include President of Jeili, Mayor of Ang’el, Will of the People and Leader of Cabinet. Their current sovereign is the President Elisabeth Kennis.

The Flag

The flag of Jeili depicts a white swallow flying over a blue field. The white swallow, and its flight, is a symbol that resounded with the Jellan rebels in their fight against the High Lordship of Rafensburg and ever since then it has flown proud over their nation. The blue background of the flag has been through several redesigns, in the first iteration it stood for the sky but it now, in its darker form, stands for the water of the Little Ösh river that supplies Jeili with much of its livelihood.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Jellan Pounds

  • 1 KA

    28 Janvier

    Financial Event

    Over the past months we've received several reports of corruption within your government in the county of Augweißen. We thought we could keep it quiet but yesterday, the 27th of Janvier, several peasants arrived demanding you take action.
    Our esteemed president, Elisabeth Kennis, split the officials up and sent them to new postings.

  • 1 KA

    21 Apryl

    Religious Tensions in Ang'el
    Religious event

    Recently tensions between the Avoxian Royal Church and Bulocq Tribalism reached an all new high. On the 21st of Apryl practitioners of both faiths were found in conflict with each other. As the mayor of Ang'el this decision falls to you.
    Our wise and noble president, Elisabeth Kennis, denounced Bulocq Tribalism and proclaimed the Avoxian Royal Church as state religion.

  • 1 KA

    23 Osamb


    Today, 23rd of Osamb, thousands of peasants have taken to the streets of Esdrebe. They demand that you lower the taxes in the duchy.
    President Elisabeth of the House of Kennis locked up all the protesters.


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