Runadel Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Empire

Runadel is an empire in the center-west of Valdir, south of the Hashar and north of the Ösh. The capital of the Empire of Runadel is Elfindel. Their national animal is an ivory gull. The citizens of Runadel are The Runi. The ruling dynasty of Runadel are the Ereneiros. Their titles include Emperor of Runadel, Lord of Elfindel, King in Ice and Protector of the West. Their current sovereign is the Emperor Aleksis I Ereneiros.

The Flag

The flag of Runadel is simple in design yet conveys strongly the important aspects of Runi culture. The central snowflake recalls the historic origins of the Runi as a northern tribe and the blue backdrop shows a combination between the blue of the Hashar and Ösh rivers and the deep warmth of the Runi’s new southern lands.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Empire of Runadel
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Southern Denar

  • 1 KA

    2 Otsalia

    Criminal Activity

    On the 2nd of Otsalia bandits sprung up in the county of Isthinaar. They ransacked the town and looted it for gold.
    Our gracious emperor, Aleksis I Ereneiros, chased after the bandits with a group of his greatest knights and lords.

  • 1 KA

    23 Saattaa

    Criminal Activity

    On the 23rd of Saattaa bandits sprung up in the county of Xolpa. They ransacked the town and looted it for gold.
    Our gracious emperor, Aleksis I Ereneiros, gave aid to the region and the national coffers now aid the rebuilding effort of Xolpa.

  • 1 KA

    20 Juïn

    Birth of Princess Lydia
    Life, Birth

    Great Leader rejoice! On the 20th of Juïn your wife has birthed a child. A beautiful girl who might one day rule your empire. We, the people, pray she shall enjoy a life long and plenty. Now remains only the naming of your daughter.
    Our great leader, Emperor Aleksis I Ereneiros, has chosen the name Lydia for his daughter.


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