The High Kingdom of Zilonis Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The High Kingdom of Zilonis

The High Kingdom

The High Kingdom of Zilonis is a kingdom to the north of the Mèdhin Mountains. The capital of the Kingdom of Zilonis is Raajadhanee. Their national animal is an elephant. The citizens of Zilonis are the Uzwela. The ruling dynasty of Zilonis are the Shahee. Their titles include High King of Zilonis, Lord of Raajadhanee, Lion of Uzwela and Son of the Brightest Star in the Sky of M’jørf. Their current sovereign is the High Queen Mukti I Shahee.

The Flag

Zilonis chose the elephant as their charge not only because it's their national animal but also because of the pure, raw power possessed by the great beast. The orange backdrop stands for the royal house of Shahee.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Zilonis
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Amber Fullpenny

  • 1 KA

    11 Juïn

    Birth of Prince Tjeerd
    Life, Birth

    Great Leader rejoice! On the 11th of Juïn you have birthed a child. A beautiful boy who might one day rule your kingdom. We, the people, pray he shall enjoy a life long and plenty. Now remains only the naming of your son.
    Our great leader, High Queen Mukti I Shahee, has chosen the name Tjeerd for her son.


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