Rurik Allar

Rurik Allar

Rurik Allar, the CEO of Allar Transplanar, is objectively one of the wealthiest individuals in the entire multiverse. Rurik takes a relatively direct hand in the operation of his company, but still also has time to dedicate as a research fellow and senior member of the Planar Cartographic Society. He is one of their premier authorities on the fundamentals of the Multiverse.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While not particularly strong, Rurik is quick on his feet. He keeps himself in as good of shape as his time allows, and manages to stay generally healthy.

Body Features

As an Elan, Rurik is human in appearance, with beige-pink skin. Coming in at 5'9", Rurik is of average height, and his exercise routines keep him in good enough shape.

Facial Features

The only hair he typically presents is his red-brown goatee. He shaves his head frequently, rarely letting it grow for more than a few days.

Special abilities

Rurik is a masterful Psion who's specialty is the discipline of Psychoportation, also known as a Nomad. He has a deep understanding of the workings of the Multiverse. Rurik is also rumored to have some skill in the arcane arts, especially in the study of Chronomancy.

Apparel & Accessories

Rurik often wears flowing robes, and prefers greens and blues when he can. He is often wearing a single earring.

Specialized Equipment

Rurik is most commonly found wearing his customized Robe of the Stars. He also usually has one or more Ioun Stones active at a given time. Rurik also commonly carries a staff made of a scintillating crystal, but it's properties are not known to anyone but him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As an Elan, Rurik does not age, nor is his exact age known. He advertises his birthday as the date of his transformation into an Elan, in -705 DR. Rurik was born a human on the world of Qasternia, in the Crystal Sphere of Tylensus.   He was instrumental in the Black Blood Campaign on Qasternia along with his friends, including St. Malopheus. It was out of this campaign that Rurik garnered alliances with both the Imperial Elven Armada and Mephistopheles – Archdevil and Lord of Cania. Rurik used these alliances to usher Allar Transplanar through a period of explosive growth.

Gender Identity

Male (He/Him)


Asexual / Aromantic


Rurik attended The Cerebellum, graduating top of his class.


Prior to his transformation, Rurik was a sage and scholar, apprenticing under a long forgotten conjurer. After his transformation and schooling, he spent several years as an adventurer before founding Allar Transplanar using the connections he built on his travels.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rurik was instrumental in the Black Blood Campaign on his homeworld of Qasternia. He played a major part in brokering the terms of the Alliance of Law, which resulted in the forces of good and evil coming together and cooperating during the crisis.

Intellectual Characteristics

Rurik has always spent much of his life in study, when not managing the details of his company. He has a keen mind, and is an expert in matters of Psionic knowledge. Rurik also has an excellent understanding of the fundamental laws of space and time and how they apply to the Multiverse.

Morality & Philosophy

Rurik is generally by-the-book, and lives an extremely structured life. Although not always altruistic and good natured, he rarely acts out of malice or evil. He's a strong believer in an ordered existence, but understands that the very nature of the Multiverse requires that Law, Chaos, Good, and Evil are necessary for a thriving cosmos.


Religious Views

While Rurik is not paritcularly religious, he occasionally venerates either Fharlanghn or Celestian when seeking spiritual guidance.
Lawful Neutral / Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Born Human
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Beige / Pink
144 lbs.
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
All (Polyglot)

Character Portrait image: Xarthisius by akreon

Before the Crisis

The Era of Quintessence

This article has no secrets.


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