S.V. Quintessence

The S.V. Quintessence is an archelon class spelljammer that serves as the flagship of Allar Transplanar's fleet. Originally used as a luxury passenger liner, it now serves the company as a warshp


The Quintessence has a crew complement of about 400. Many of the crew have specific training or are dedicated to one function. The rest perform general duties aboard the ship including cargo hauling, cleaning, and rigging.
  • 10 senior officers
  • 275 crew members are trained weapons crew.
  • 20 crew members are dedicated engineers.
  • 20 crew members are dedicated galley staff.
  • 20 crew members are dedicated security staff.
  • 5 crew members are dedicated navigators.

Officers and Notable Crew Members

A list of the important crew members of the S.V. Quintessence.

Dursa Es-GrondCaptain♀️ Minotaur Gunslinger Fighter and Legendary Captain
Filarion EnvenPilot♂️ Moon Elf Divine Soul Sorcerer
Miong XiFirst Mate♀️ Human Swashbuckler Rogue
Drokar KarmSecurity♂️ Githzerai Beast Conclave Ranger
Flunge SneblinChief EngineerRock Gnome Artillerist Artificer
G'blip k'brrtShip's Doctor♂️ Grung Theurgist Wizard
Greta GoldbeardAcquisitions♀️ Hill Dwarf Celestial Warlock
NaviShip's NavigatorWarforged Nomad Psion
SharpeyesLookoutKenku Scout Rogue
Thraruk Mo'goshBosun / Deck Officer♂️ Half-orc Battle Master Fighter
MogretChef♂️ Moogle Commoner
ArgauChef♂️ Ronso Commoner
MaulnarPotato Peeler♂️ Human Scout Rogue
CastorCombat Trainer♂️ Human
PolluxCombat Trainer♂️ Human
BodanEnchanting♂️ Dwarf Merchant
SandalEnchanting♂️ Dwarf Enchanter
TrentChild (Paul's Son)Human
ChlorusChild (Cairos's)Human


In -803 QE Rurik Allar came across a derelict archelon in a remote crystal sphere. Rurik was charting disused currents of the phlogiston in search of new and efficient trade routes when he came across a dead crystal sphere. The sphere's star had been devoured by an interloper - the alien star known as Nihal. Among the ruins of the civilization that had once called the sphere home, Rurik found the archelon he would later recommission as The Quintessence.   After repairing and recommissioning The Quintessence, Rurik placed it into service as the flagship of Allar Transplanar. It served as both a luxury liner and cargo carrier on the company's most profitable routes. After the Black Blood Campaign, Rurik retrofitted The Quintessence to serve as a warship. Many of the passengers quarters on the lower decks were stripped out and replaced with cannon batteries, and the observation deck on the mid-ship section was converted into a landing pad for smaller craft.   In 0 QE, The Quintessence was launched with the heroes of the Psigate Crisis aboard. It narrowly escaped the surprise attack by the Chained God's forces led by Qwfltvuttksjmbtpcxzxyl. The dutifully served as a command center for the heroes during the first year of the crisis, taking part in several battles.   During a battle with Neh-Thalggu forces, The Quintessence was severely damaged when it was hit with a powerful disintegration ray. A large portion of the starboard hull was completely disintegrated, and many of the weapons crew were lost in the attack. The damage was later repaired by the deity Hephaestus when he bestowed heroes with starmetal hull plating for the ship.   The Quintessence and its entire crew compliment disappeared during the Battle of Abhradurga.

Weapons & Armament

The Quintessence is heavily armed, though was refitted from its original configuration as a passenger liner. Some of the passenger quarters on the lower three decks have been replaced with cannon batteries.
Forward Section
  • 4x swivel-mounted +1 12-pound cannons with mystic triggers.
  • 1x swivel-mounted heavy ballista.

Armor and defense

The Quintessence has been fitted with starmetal plating on the hull. The plating was gifted to the heroes of the psigate crisis by the god Hephaestus of the Olympic Pantheon.

Hangars & docked vessels

The upper deck on the midsection of The Quintessence has been converted into a landing pad for smaller craft.
Owning Organization
95 ft
553 ft
388 ft
35000 tons
Complement / Crew
Crew: 500
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Tonnage: 10000 NRT
Passengers: 650


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