Nefeli Zehass

Princess of Trade

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nefeli Zehass, the sister of Xanthos Zehass, is a shrewd and calculating individual who has set her sights on a grand ambition—to overthrow her brother and claim the reins of power in Strum-Heim for herself. Unlike Xanthos, Nefeli recognizes the value of diplomacy and seeks to expand her influence through political maneuvering and strategic alliances.   As a diplomat between Strum-Heim and the various nations of Saleth, Nefeli possesses exceptional negotiation skills and a keen understanding of international relations. She is well-versed in the art of persuasion and uses her charm and intellect to navigate the intricate web of diplomacy. Nefeli understands that power can be attained not only through force but also through strategic alliances and the cultivation of favorable relationships. She is adept at discerning the strengths and weaknesses of other nations, identifying potential allies, and exploiting any opportunities that may arise to further her own agenda.   In her diplomatic role, Nefeli is known for her grace, eloquence, and ability to find common ground among diverse factions. She is a skilled mediator, deftly resolving disputes and smoothing over tensions to maintain a fragile balance between nations. Through her diplomatic endeavors, she aims to secure resources, forge economic partnerships, and establish political alliances that will ultimately strengthen her own position within Strum-Heim.   Behind her diplomatic facade, Nefeli is a master strategist, constantly scheming and plotting her next move. She recognizes that the path to usurping her brother's power lies not only in the corridors of diplomacy but also in cultivating a network of loyal supporters and covert agents within the nation. Nefeli carefully maneuvers through the treacherous political landscape, always mindful of the risks and dangers inherent in her quest for power. She treads the fine line between loyalty to her brother and the covert actions necessary to ensure her own ascendancy. Her actions are veiled in secrecy, known only to a select few trusted allies who share her vision.   While Nefeli maintains a cordial relationship with her brother in public, behind closed doors, she plots and strategizes for the moment when she can seize control of Strum-Heim and shape it in her own image. She knows that her brother's power is not unassailable and that the right moment, with the right allies and circumstances, will present itself.


Nefeli Zehass


Towards Xanthos Zehass


Xanthos Zehass


Towards Nefeli Zehass


Lawful Evil
Xanthos Zehass (Brother)
Black Braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Grey
150 lbs
Aligned Organization