Erevan Thornwhisper

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Erevan Thornwhisper is a significant figure within The Asinkori, the faction of the ancient elven druidic circle that shifted their beliefs to worship Larocia, the goddess of beasts. As the leader of the Asinkori, Erevan holds a position of influence and authority among their ranks.   Erevan is known for their deep connection with the primal forces of nature and their unwavering devotion to the cause of allowing nature to reclaim dominance over civilization. They believe that beasts should rule Maeon and that the natural world should flourish without interference. With a charismatic presence and strong leadership qualities, Erevan has rallied the followers of The Paratrites  around their cause. A great schism between these two factions then occured, forcing Erevan to flee deeper within The Glimmering Grove.   Erevan would grow to possess extensive knowledge of the Feywild, the realms of the fey and the wild creatures that inhabit them. They have a profound understanding of the intricate web of life and the delicate balance that must be maintained to ensure the survival and prosperity of all creatures.   As a formidable druidic spellcaster, Erevan wields the powers of nature with great proficiency. They are skilled in harnessing the primal forces and channeling them into powerful spells and abilities that further their cause. Their mastery of druidic magic enables them to communicate with and command beasts, summon the spirits of the wild, and invoke the wrath of nature itself.   Erevan Thornwhisper's leadership is marked by their unwavering determination, strategic thinking, and unwavering commitment to the ideals of The Asinkori. They lead their followers through the untamed wilderness, seeking to disrupt the forces of civilization and restore the natural order that they believe has been disrupted. While Erevan may be viewed as an antagonist by some who oppose their radical beliefs, they are revered by their followers as a visionary and a champion of the wild. Their influence within The Asinkori and their impact on the ongoing struggle between civilization and nature cannot be underestimated.


Erevan Thornwhisper

Former friend

Towards Elorin Moonshadow


Elorin Moonshadow

Former Friend

Towards Erevan Thornwhisper


Lawful Evil
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1550 BI 2850 Years old
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Skin
200 lbs
Aligned Organization