Trà Bo


After the departure of the god Ooslang, the Vanara people found themselves guided by the Kehidupan itself, a sacred and living entity that now shapes the course of their leadership and governance.   The Dharma   At the pinnacle of the Vanara government is the Dharma, a spiritual leader chosen not by mortal hands but seemingly by the Kehidupan’s own will. The Dharma is typically the most spiritually enlightened individual among the Vanara, often of advanced age and deep wisdom. The primary responsibility of the Dharma is to ensure that the Vanara people remain on a righteous and virtuous path, safeguarding their spiritual integrity and the harmony of their society.   The Sangha   Beneath the Dharma are the Sangha, an elite order of monks devoted to the protection of the Kehidupan and the Vanara people. The Sangha are renowned for their extraordinary physical prowess and spiritual discipline, their movements flowing seamlessly with the natural world around them. They serve as the guardians of the roots of the Kehidupan, a position of immense responsibility that is rarely abandoned. The Sangha have been called into action only three times in history, each occasion marking a moment of grave crisis for the Vanara people.   The Vajra   Serving under the Dharma, the Vajra function as the equivalent of lords within the Vanara society. Each Vajra oversees a specific city or town within the borders of Tra Bo, offering guidance and maintaining order. However, the selection process for a Vajra is unique to each region, with no two Vajras having earned their positions in the same manner. These tests are designed to reflect the unique challenges and needs of the cities they will govern, ensuring that each Vajra is perfectly suited to their role.   The Yana   Supporting the Vajra are the Yana, a group of Vanara who act as the guardians of Tra Bo’s major population centers. The Yana are trained to deal with disturbances non-lethally, prioritizing peaceful resolutions and the preservation of life. Their preferred method of subduing criminals involves martial arts and the use of extending staffs, each crafted from smaller branches of the Kehidupan itself. Though they advocate for non-violence, the Yana are not to be underestimated; they are formidable martial artists who ensure that law and order are maintained without unnecessary bloodshed.


Trà Bo stands as one of the most ancient and mystical realms within Saleth, although it often shies away from the annals of official history. The roots of Trà Bo stretch back to the very moment when The Kehidupan, the legendary Tree of Life, first took root and flourished. Life itself burst forth from the sacred tree, spreading like a vibrant tapestry across the land of Saleth. However, as time flowed, the Kehidupan's influence waned, yielding to the emergence of other powers across the continent, most notably the colossal giants Finn Chull and Halvdan the Black, who roamed and shaped the land.   In the early days, the Vanara, the guardians of The Kehidupan, seldom ventured beyond their lush jungles, preoccupied with the solemn duty of tending to the godly tree, which had bestowed upon them the gifts of sentience and life. This tranquil existence would be forever altered when Ooslang, a curious and ambitious Vanara, dared to pluck a fruit from the sacred branches of The Kehidupan. Consuming this divine morsel, Ooslang ascended to godhood, becoming the deity of freedom and indulgence, a symbol of newfound ambition for his people. The Vanara, inspired by their divine peer, shifted their focus from the dense jungles to the sprawling coasts and treacherous swamps of Trà Bo, where they constructed magnificent treetop cities, shielded from the threats of old.   Under Ooslang's guidance, the kingdom of Trà Bo thrived, its cities among the treetops embodying a harmonious blend of nature and civilization. Yet, like a capricious wind, Ooslang eventually grew weary of the earthly realm, departing to pester the gods themselves in their divine domains. Left without their mischievous leader, the Vanara sought new guidance. They turned their gaze back to The Kehidupan and its dedicated keepers, selecting new leaders from among the ranks of monks and priests who had long tended to the roots of the sacred tree.   Trà Bo, a kingdom where ancient roots run deep, continues to flourish under the watchful eyes of its chosen leaders. The Vanara, nurtured by the wisdom of the The Kehidupan and the spirit of Ooslang, have established a unique and vibrant culture, one that stands as a testament to the enduring connection between the people, the land, and the divine.

Rooted in Tradition, Flourishing in Harmony.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
The people of Trà Bo do not have a internal currency of thier own. Barter is often used, Vanara tending to trade goods of value for goods they need. Although as the other kingdoms of saleth vntured into the jungle, the vanara now use a shared currency that many of the kingdoms and countries of Saleth use. Which consists of Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze coins.    Many older Vanara despise the use of the metal currency, and will often still attempt to use trade as a means to secure goods. Denying any coin as a medium.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
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Related Species