
The Empire of Avalor stands as a majestic realm, renowned for its grandeur and the formidable legacy of its founder, the legendary storm giant Finn Chull. From its humble origins, Avalor has risen to become a bastion of power and influence in the world of Maeon. Today, it is governed by the esteemed Mayday royal family, whose lineage has guided the empire through generations of prosperity and challenges.     Finn Chull, a charismatic and visionary leader, founded the Empire of Avalor with the ambition of creating a harmonious and prosperous realm that would unite disparate races and foster cooperation among the nations of Saleth. Drawing upon his immense strength and wisdom, Finn Chull forged alliances, established diplomatic ties, and built the foundations of a sprawling empire that would endure for centuries.   The Empire of Avalor is a realm of diverse landscapes, encompassing sprawling cities, lush farmlands, and towering mountain ranges. Its capital, known as Ammath , stands as a shining jewel, adorned with towering citadels, opulent palaces, and intricate architectural wonders that reflect the empire's grandeur. The city bustles with life, as merchants from all corners of Maeon gather to trade rare goods, and scholars seek knowledge in the renowned academies and libraries that dot the cityscape.   Under the rule of the Mayday royal family, Avalor has thrived as a beacon of governance and stability. The Maydays, known for their wisdom, diplomacy, and strong leadership, have guided the empire through turbulent times, preserving peace within their borders and fostering alliances with neighboring realms. Their reign has been marked by a commitment to justice, prosperity, and the well-being of their subjects.   The Empire of Avalor boasts a formidable military, forged by centuries of tradition and discipline. Avalor's armies, led by seasoned generals and tacticians, stand ready to defend the empire's borders and uphold its honor. The empire's strength lies not only in its military might but also in its cultural richness, as Avalor embraces and celebrates the diverse heritage of its inhabitants.   Beyond its borders, Avalor is known for its vast trade networks and diplomatic prowess. The empire's merchants and diplomats traverse the realms, forging alliances, negotiating treaties, and facilitating the exchange of goods and knowledge. Avalor's influence extends far and wide, shaping the political landscape of Saleth and ensuring its place as a prominent player in regional affairs.   While the Empire of Avalor cherishes its rich history and the legacy of Finn Chull , it remains forward-looking, seeking to adapt to the changing world. The empire invests in education, arts, and technological advancements, fostering innovation and progress while preserving its core values. It is a realm that embraces the balance between tradition and evolution, honoring its roots while forging a path towards a brighter future.   In the vast tapestry of Maeon, the Empire of Avalor shines as a beacon of power, culture, and diplomacy. Its storied history, noble leadership, and commitment to the welfare of its people ensure that Avalor's influence will endure for generations to come, leaving an indelible mark on the world of Maeon.

Our glory shakes the world like thunder

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Related Myths


Avalor and Lycera have a healthy friendship. In return for their cultural contributions Avalor has gifted gold and warriors to help defend Lyceran borders.


The Kingdom of Avalor assited Umomar in several assults against the tribes of Storm Giants.