
Lycera is a unique nation situated on The Emerald Coast located to the west of Saleth in the world of Maeon. It stands out among other realms as a land governed by the power of music and ruled by the bards. In Lycera, the leader is not determined through conventional means of succession or inheritance but through the enchanting and captivating performances of the bards themselves.   The heart of Lycera beats to the rhythm of music, with bardic arts deeply woven into the fabric of society. The bards of Lycera are not only musicians but also storytellers, poets, and masters of various performing arts. Their skills in song, dance, and oration are highly esteemed, and their performances hold immense influence over the fate of the nation.   The leadership of Lycera is decided through a grand tradition known as the Great Concert. Periodically, all aspiring leaders, both commoners and nobles alike, gather in a grand assembly where they showcase their bardic talents to the nation. These performances range from stirring ballads and epic tales to mesmerizing dances and masterful instrumental displays.   The audience, consisting of Lyceran citizens, listens attentively and observes each performance, evaluating the artistic merit, emotional impact, and connection with the people. The crowd's response, their cheers, applause, and the general reception of the performance, becomes the decisive factor in selecting the new leader of Lycera.   This unique system ensures that the ruler of Lycera possesses not only political acumen but also a deep understanding of the power of music and its ability to unite, inspire, and uplift the nation. The chosen leader is expected to embody the spirit of Lycera, be a patron of the arts, and govern with a harmonious blend of creativity, diplomacy, and governance.   The nation of Lycera flourishes under the guidance of these bardic leaders. The arts thrive, with grand theaters, music academies, and performance venues adorning the cities and towns. The bards continue to be revered as cultural icons, and their voices carry the hopes, dreams, and stories of the Lyceran people.   Despite its close proximity to The Green Cesspool, Lycera stands as a stark contrast. While the Green Cesspool is home to goblinoids and swamps, Lycera embraces beauty, melody, and the pursuit of artistic excellence. The Emerald Coast acts as a natural boundary between the two realms, symbolizing the dichotomy between chaos and harmony, darkness and light.
Founding Date
245 IE
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


Avalor and Lycera have a healthy friendship. In return for their cultural contributions Avalor has gifted gold and warriors to help defend Lyceran borders.


The religous bastion of Elysias consistantly works well with the bardic nation of Lycera.


While trade between the two nations is needed, the people of Lycera suspect foul play by the Strum-Heimien representatives.


The Land of Kalach has claimed many Lycerans throughout the year. The people of Lycera are warned not to enter the cursed woods of Kalach, as the hunters within that nation might target the travelers.