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This person is travelling with Velynne Harpell and Nass Lantomir in Kalte. She traveled with her from across the Kaltersee.

Her primary distinctive feature is that she is an albino. She normally wears her hood low across her face. She also has a short pair of horns that she conceals under her hood.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Avarice is a skilled practitioner ofr Magi Magic .  She has shown mastery of the following spells.
  • An Ice Storm that fall from the sky, a 6d6 cold EB with 3 hex radius, indirect
  • A cold gaseous spray that coats the victim with a thin sheet of ice,  3d6 Entangle
  For her service to Levistus, Avarice can see in almost pitch darkness ( +4 to Visual Per to offset darkness modifiers)

Specialized Equipment

Avarice carries a magical Staff of Frost.  The Staff can cause the following magical effects.
  • A cone of cold, 6d6 cold based EB, with a cone AOE
  • An ice wall of size 4", with a def of 5


Contacts & Relations

Avarice has a raven familiar spirit named Skelm.
Current Location
Pale Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white (albinism)
5' 6"
135 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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