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Velynne Harpell

Velynne Harpell

Velynne is an older human female adventurer. She journeyed north to Kalte with an interest in the Shianti, or elf ruins that had been reported to the Magician's Guild of Toran .

Velynne spoke with the The Antiquarian Association in Easthaven on February 3, MS 5097. She asked that if they were to come upon any older ruins, she would be very interested in hearing about it. She shared that her team of investigators, fell apart shortly after arriving in Kalte .

She assisted The Antiquarian Association and Katelynn with verifying that Klondorn and Katelynn 's quarry, Tiki-Tiki, were actually the same individual. She did this through post-mortem dissection and interrogation of Klondorn 's demonic corpse. This happened in Easthaven , on March 22, MS 5097.

She offered post-combat support to the The Antiquarian Association after their combat with the Chardelyn Dragon on April 7, MS 5097. She also accompanied them to Grym Skald .

Physical Description

Special abilities

Velynne is a skilled practitioner of Right Handed Magic . She has evidenced the following abilities.
  • Post-mortem dissection and interrogation of corpses. With an hour alone with the corpse, if it is not too old, she can extract knowledge from an individual's corpse.
  • She can raise the dead into servants such as Cabalah and Zombie .


Contacts & Relations

In Kalte , she has an arrangement with a group of Lava that serve as bodyguards for her.

Hobbies & Pets

Velynne has a white owl familiar named Sebastian.  Sebastian evidences near human understanding of Sommlending.

Wealth & Financial state

Velynne has a number of personal artifacts, magic items, and plundered wealth in storage at the Red Band Trading House - Ljuk .

In Kalte , she regularly uses a self propelled magical sleigh capable of carrying up to 6 persons comfortably.
Current Location
Year of Birth
5033 MS 64 Years old
Light Brown, missing one eye
Grey, shoulder length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
155 lbs
Aligned Organization


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