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Exploring Ythryn

Discovery, Exploration


Exiting the Caves of Hunger, the The Antiquarian Association , Velynne Harpell , and Hist entered the long buried city of Ythryn .

They discovered an abandoned city inhabited by Nothic s, and Thalmuud with a central spire surrounded by an impenetrable shield. Through exploration, Velynne Harpell and Leviticus contracted Gnothic Blight . Working against the clock, they learned the ritual necessary to penetrate the shield and enter the central spire.

There, they negotiated with Iorlanthas and convinced him that they wished to help restore the city. To do so, they would remove the Ebony Spindle from the environs, and then return to intiate the mythallar that would raise the city once again. Instead, they recovered the Ebony Spindle and fled, to share the story of Ythryn with the Temple of Forsett and the Magician's Guild of Toran .

Exiting the Caves of Hunger, the The Antiquarian Association , Velynne Harpell , and Hist entered the long buried city of Ythryn . Unknown to the party, Avarice and a group of the Black Swords was not far behind. A day after the party entered Ythryn , Avarice slew Enku and Kitoma , and ransacked the surface camp.

  The Antiquarian Association discovered an abandoned city inhabited by Nothic s, and haunted by Thalmuud. The city was dominated by a central spire surrounded by an impenetrable shield. The party explored the city, learning more and more about its history and interacting with the few beings present - the spirit of a long dead necromancer, and a hostile treant.

Through observation, they learned that Nothic s treasured magic items and they set up a trap and tracked a group of Nothic s back to their lair. There, they slew a number of Nothics and captured a number of magical artifacts. Unfortunately, Velynne Harpell and Leviticus also contracted Gnothic Blight . Working against the clock, they quickly explored the city, and learned the ritual necessary to penetrate the shield and enter the central spire.

  As they entered the tower, they encountered Iorlanthis and the ex-High Enchanter Ivira . Ivira tried to convince them to use Iorlanthis 's Staff of Power to reverse the calamity that befell Ythryn .

But instead, they negotiated with Iorlanthas and convinced him that they wished to help restore the city. To do so, they would remove the Ebony Spindle from the environs, and then return to intiate the mythallar that would raise the city once again. Instead, they recovered the Ebony Spindle and several sets of Bracers of Travelling . They took them and fled, to share the story of Ythryn with the Temple of Forsett and the Magician's Guild of Toran .

Leviticus and Velynne Harpell used the Bracers of Travelling to teleport to Sunblight Fortress to seek healing. The remainder of The Antiquarian Association left the site and returned to Easthaven .

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