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Chardelyn Dragon

The Chardelyn Dragon is a unique construct created by Xardorok Solderth, inspired by Chardelyn poisoning, Klondorn , and the mechanikal diagrams and writings of Nithewin .

The Chardelyn Dragon appears as a giant creature consisting of multiple interlocking iron and steel plates. The wings appear as long slender articulated steel beams connected by a mesh netting. The steel plates arrange themselves to facilitate movement and open momentarily to increase venting when the dragon unleashes its breath weapon.

The The Antiquarian Association destroyed the Chardelyn Dragon on April 4, MS 5097.  Following its destruction, Durth Solderth oversaw the dismantling of the construct and sold off and repurposed its constituent components.

Basic Information


The Chardelyn Dragon has four legs, long tail, long neck, and large wings that provide flight. The two forelimbs have opposable thumbs allowing dragons to grasp things with their two forward legs.

Biological Traits

The Chardelyn Dragon's body is made of steel and @chardelyn granting it great strength.
  • Strength 45
  • Dexterity 17
  • Body 46
  • Speed 3
  • Armor of 9pd / 9ed
The Chardelyn Dragon has a breath weapon it can discharge a radiant breath weapon
  • 3d6 RKA, AoE 5 hex line
  • Delayed activation of 1 segment
The Chardelyn Dragon has wings that enable flight
  • Flight 16"
The Chardelyn Dragon's animating force relies upon an ancient druidic rune inscribed on a shoulder plate.
  •  If this plate receives direct damage (requiring a called shot at -8), the dragon receives the following detrimental effects
  • After 4 points of damage, the dragon's speed is reduced to 2
  • After 8 points of damage, the dragon ceases to function

Genetics and Reproduction

The Chardelyn Dragon is a construct, and thus has no means of reproduction.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Chardelyn Dragon is a construct, and does not evolve or grow.

Ecology and Habitats

The Chardelyn Dragon was created in Kalte , and destroyed on the tundra south of the Sunblight Fortress.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Chardelyn Dragon does not eat, sleep, or breathe.


One of the primary components of the Chardelyn Dragon is uncleansed Chardelyn .  The taint of the Chardelyn has lead to a rudimentary sentience - the dragon enjoys destruction and the defilement of civilized areas.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Chardelyn Dragon exhibits a high level of animal cunning.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Chardelyn Dragon has nothing in common with Dragon s except for anatomy.  Xardorok Solderth 's reasoning in choosing a dragon shape for his construct is uknown.
  Based on Rime of the Frost Maiden
by Christopher Perkins
Discovered by


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