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Sir Hirgan

Hirgan was a Human male warrior born in Sommerlund .  He entered into service with the Temple of Lenai and was eventually knighted by Sommerlund .  Eventually, he was stationed with a squad of warriors at the Temple of Lenai.

When King Ulnar called upon all warriors of Sommerlund  to join him at the Battle of Moytura Pass  , Hirgan stayed behind to guard the priests and the treasure of the temple.  As Archolord Vashna's death ripped open the Maakengorge, the Temple was isolated on the north side of the gorge between a group of mountains.  As the supplies dwindled, Hirgan found himself cursed.  As he abandoned his duties for the treasure of Lenai , he would guard it until it could once again be returned.  His body rotted to nothing, and he became a skeletal knight.

Over the next 1,000 years, he fought off bandits, roaming warriors, and other threats.  When The Circle carried out their Expedition to the Lost Temple of Lenai  , they offered their respects to Sir Hirgan.  At his behest, they left the treasures behind to be retaken by priests of Lenai .

When a priest arrived to reclaim the Temple, Hirgan's curse was lifted and he fell dead.
Current Location
3770 MS 5083 MS 1313 years old
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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