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Archlord Vashna

Archlord Vashna is the leader of the Darklords, and was their most powerful member. During the Age of the Black Moon, Vashna and his fellow Darklords conquered much of Northern Magnamund, but were dealt a severe blow in the Battle of Moytura Pass, where Vashna was slain by King Ulnar I wielding the Sommerswerd, casting his spirit and the Darklord armies into the Maakengorge.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vashna has prismatic, faceted eyes that let him see a rainbow of different colors. He has a furry snouted face with a helical horn juts from his forehead. His arms and snout are covered in luxuriant hair and his hands seem to be made of jointed, metal, sharp claws which curve evilly backwards from each finger.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After the departure of the Shianti, or elf, the Age of the Black Moon began with the arrival of the 20 Darklords created by the evil God Naar . Vashna soon achieved mastery over the others and launched the War of Desecration, succeeding in conquering vast portions of the Northern Continent and exterminating multiple races. He took the title of Archlord in MS 3192. He was the architect of Helgedad and eight other colossal fortress-cities.

The Sommlending, lead by King Kian, stopped their toal conquest of Magnamund and took the land that was to become Sommerlund . Vashna swore vengeance on Sommerlund for his first defeat. He initiated the Helghast Wars in retaliation, but the Magician's Guild of Toran helped turn the tide against the shape-shifting hordes. As his defeated armies streamed back to the Darklands, Vashna challenged Ulnar to a 1-on-1 duel. Ulnar agreed, staking the thrones of Sommerlund and Durenor on the outcome. Wielding the Sommerswerd, Ulnar emerged victorious. As he lay defeated, Vashna cursed Naar as a false master. Naar retaliated by opening the Maakengorge, which consumed both Ulnar and Vashna. It was said that Vashna and his army's spirits are still in the Maakengorge, waiting to be summoned to obtain vengeance against Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar.

In MS 5054, the Vassagonian renegade Barraka attempted to use the Dagger of Vashna to sacrifice Madelon, daughter of Baron Vanalund and descendant of King Ulnar I, in order to resurrect Vashna and his army. Lone Wolf succeeded in thwarting this scheme, and acquired the Dagger of Vashna.

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

The number ninety one was that of Vashna which he chose because of its factors, seven and thirteen. Seven to signify the everlasting death in life and life in death he possesses and thirteen to denote the power of evil at his command.
Current Location
Year of Death
3799 MS
Circumstances of Death
Slain by King Ulnar at the Battle of Moytura Pass
Aligned Organization


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