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Closely related to Drodarin Dwarves, yet smaller, greener and – as theywould argue themselves – quite a lot brighter, the Kloon are an ancient,wise, considerate and resourceful race, whose lifestyle and culture is built upon the acquisition and appreciation of knowledge and wisdom. They are devoted to the accumulation of knowledge, with less emphasis on its practical application than their Drodarin, or dwarf precursors. They are sometimes called, “The Librarians of Magnamund”.

The Kloon are known for their excavation of valuable minerals, their building of fine houses (as domiciles for themselves andas repositories for their vast collection of ancient scrolls and tomes), theirstudy of nature and science, their memorising of stories and folklore,their philosophical recitals, their arts and crafts, and their astute andtrustworthy trading.

The Kloon are ineligible for use as a player character race.

Basic Information


The Kloon are smaller humanoid creatures with crimson eyes, thickrubbery lips, greenish skin and black hair. Their stunted bodies are a little ungainly and they have a tendency to waddle as they move around.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Kloon are above average in intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kloon can see in the dark by sensing the reflections of heat emanations.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Kloon are learned in thousands of subjects and willing to share their knowledge with anyone they consider to be deserving of it.They are all, without exception, well-read and highly intelligent and aremost often found serving as librarians, priests, architects, healers orscientists in their homeland. Theirs is a truly meritocratic society.However, with their profound knowledge has come an aloofness thatmany non-Kloons mistake for arrogance. It is true to say the Kloons donot suffer fools gladly. Their wisdom has gained them prestige abroad,and many travellers come to Chaman  – particularly to its capital city of Gleesh  – to request, beg for or hire the counsel of a Kloon Sage with aspecific area of expertise.

Apart from their ancient Drodarin, or dwarf  deities, some of which they share withthe Dwarves of Bor, the principal religion of the Kloon is the worship of Forsett . The Kloon devote all of theirlibraries and their scholarly endeavours to God Forsett , and it is common to see Forsett 's emblem adorning their buildings,their flags, their clothing and their art.

The Kloon are united in their love of words, conjecture, and intellectualpursuits. These traits are seen in their language and in their patterns ofnaming, both of which are overblown to such a degree that some Kloondevote the whole of their sagacious lives to studying their own linguistics.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Kloon society is divided into a number of rigid social classes and young Kloon are trained to fulfill important functions within theirsociety. Most Kloon Sages, for example, come from Chaman’s scholar class, having been trained for a life of erudition and academia almostfrom the day that they are born. Other classes include merchants, miners,architects, artificers, healers, priests, smiths, explorers, diplomats andtacticians. Although there are no martial classes as such, the Kloon are a hardy and resourceful people capable of defending themselves.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Kloon are also in great demand as advisors to rulers of other lands, and they can frequently be encountered in sagelyroles throughout the Stornlands’ principal cities.

Kloon names are often very long and complex, with eachsyllable representative of a concept or theory. Kloon companions almostalways have to shorten their proper names to something more manageable.

The Drodarin, or dwarf people often take a paternal attitude towards the Kloon.  The Kloon are a species in danger, and the Drodarin, or dwarf feel the need to care for and protect them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
The Kloon stand and average of 3 feet 6 inches in height.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin of the Kloon have a greenish cast.
Geographic Distribution


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