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Ogrons are native of the swamps and plains of Caron, but they can befound throughout the Stornlands. Notoriously dull-witted, they are suitedto hard labour and can be formidable warriors in battle. They are oftenrecruited as mercenaries by the rulers of the Stornlands and used as shocktroops in the vanguard of battlefield attacks and sieges. They bear a strong hatred of Cener Druids, born out of centuries of cruel persecution at their hands.

Brutish, powerful, and unquestionably courageous in battle, Ogrons do not tend to run from a fight, even when faced by overwhelming odds.Before combat, they will hyperventilate to saturate their purple bloodwith oxygen. This raises their blood pressure and their pulse rate,sharpens their senses, and increases their stamina in readiness for thecoming fight.

  The Ogron are ineligible for use as a player character race.

Basic Information


Ogrons are a race of creatures of Drodarin descent, taller than humans yet smaller than Giants. A typical maturemale stands 7 1/2 feet tall. Their large size and great strength make them formidable opponents.  Their skin color varies greatly from more typical skin hues to darkened variations of brighter colors such as red, blue, or green.


Ogrons tend to favour simple, rural lives, living in smallvillages and settlements rather than bustling cities. Owing to theirancestral worship, they rarely settle elsewhere in Magnamund. Those encountered abroad are typically employed for their formidable strength,or seeking out Cenerese threats, and will eventually return back to their spiritual home of Caron when their duties are complete.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ogron are a spiritual people who venerate their ancestors and homeland, along withthe worship of natural spirits. They are more at home in the wildernessand are often heavily tattooed, with a love of bright barbaric colours.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Ogrons can play the role of gentle brutes to perfection. They are powerfulbut not very smart.  They are often bribed, extorted, or forced into servitude by those more intelligent than them.

Average Intelligence

Ogron are of below average intelligence.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Physique
Ogron are physically powerfule and large for humanoids.
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