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Like Anari , Cloeasia is a small country covered in grasslands. Cloeasia is a tremendously wealthy country, due in part to its abundance of gems and metals and in part to the excellence of its people as negotiators and traders. Being a coastal nation also facilitates a constant source of trade and income.

Cloeasia is also revered for its production of exquisite headdresses and robes made in the traditional Cloeasian style. These clothes, known as Yad Shalil bring Cloeasians money and fame from afar. Cloeasia doesn't have much of a military of navy to speak of, and relies largely on mercenaries for protection. Vassagonia , while leagues more powerful than Cloeasia, is jealous of Cloeasia's more substantial wealth and economic influence. To keep Vassagonia satisfied, Cloeasia pays a hefty tithe of respect and tribute once a year.

Lakuri pirates frequently prey on the rich merchant vessels of this country, but are somewhat deterred by the Vassagonian navy ships and mercenary escorts that sometimes ride with Cloeasian merchant fleets,

Cloeasia's location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


Cloeasia has an interesting blend of Vassan and Ulnarian ethnicities and peoples. They are also a blend of cultures, architecture, and dress.


The state of Cloeasia came into being in the year MS 2950. It was formed by exiles from Vassagonia and displaced rebels from the coastal region of southern Durenor. It maintains a shaky independence from Vassagonia, but has lost much of its former territory and wealth due to geological and political upheaval in the Lastlands. It is currently one-fifth of its original size, and its population is less than 30% of the original number when first it established self-rule.

For 600 years, the Zultans of Cloeasia maintained a contract with the Talons of Rashuur for protection against their possible conquest by Vassagonia. The contract ended at the beginning of MS 5001. Tthe Talons of Rashuur immediately increased their prices, and slowly began to bleed off wealth from Cloeasia.

They earned their pay during the conquest lead by Darklord Zagarna, and his alliance with the Zakhan of Vassagonia. The Talons of Rashuur held off Vassagonia during the desert nation's alliance with Darklord Gnaag.

With the rise of Zakhan Khalil al-Assad in the latter half of MS 5000s, Cloeasia has cast off its contracts with the Talons of Rashuur. Many still fear the agents of Vassagonia and keep a careful eye toward the east.
Geopolitical, Country
Cloeasia standardizes on the use of the Gold Crown.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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