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The small nation of Caron has many natural resources and ideal location in its favor. It is the last refuge for the Ogron, who were mostly wiped out when the Cener Druids release the Great Plague. Over 6,000 Ogron now call Caron their home.

The large number of humans that live in Caron, work side by side with the Ogron.

Caron's location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.

Public Agenda

The citizens of Caron are slow to rouse to action. They seek mainly to maintain their current status and avoid becoming embroiled in the many conflicts in the region.


The small free nation of Caron had a population of close to 90,000 when the Great Plague swept across the country. While it caused the sickness of the Humans that lived there, it wiped out all Drodarin, or dwarf in the country. The Ogron, being of stronger stock, mostly survived.

The Ogron stayed in the area and developed strong relations with the humans that lived there, reinforcing the ties that were once maintained by the Drodarin, or dwarf. The partnership between ogron that live in the smaller settlements and the larger villages wtih the humans continuing to this day.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Direct
1 silver luna = 1/4 gold crown
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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