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Ramon is a Sommlending man, originally from Anskaven .

Like all Sommlending youth, when the time came, Ramon tested for entry into the Kai. While they discovered his latent talent, both the Kai and Ramon's family determined that he did not possess the proper temperament for joining the Kai Lords . As he grew up, he was trained to become a member of his family's merchant house. He developed his own latent psi talent in secret, and found subtle ways he could benefit from his talent in making deals with other merchants.

He left Sommerlund  as a young man and began working with other merchant companies and guilds in Casiorn  in his family's interest. Eventually, after building a reputation as a shrewd negotiator, he began consulting and creating deals on behalf of others. In this capacity, he moved on into the Stornlands, supporting businesses in Lyris, Salony, and Slovia.

Ramon carries a warhammer and light crossbow. He is a skilled combatant, but prefers to talk his way out of situations. His psi-talents focus on subtle empathic abilities and invisible mild mind control abilities.

Moving among the merchant classes, he met Baron Loghain of Eldenora during the negotiation of peat contracts with a small company in Lyris. He was then enlisted in an effort to pay the ransom for an Eldenoran noble, Lionel . Following that work, he joined others in returning Lionel to Eldenora and eventually enlisted in the Lion's Pride .

  During his time with the Lion's Pride he taught Lionel about how finances move through the various merchant companies, and how monies can be secreted for use later. It was through manipulation of such accounts, that the Lion's Pride became aware of Lionel 's survival during Duadon's invasion of Rhem.

  Following the signing of the Steamjack Accords  and the dissolution of the Lion's Pride , Ramon stayed in Eldenora, working for then new Baron Lionel in negotiating and coordinating the reconstruction of the demolished areas of Rhem .
ex-Player Character
Played by Alan West
Current Location
Year of Birth
5068 MS 29 Years old
Thick light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
200 lbs
Aligned Organization


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