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When Nithewin moved to Abesko , he took an immediate interest in the girl. His interest was founded less on her as a person, and more on improving the prosthetic that she had been suffering with for years. He approached the prosthetic question as an engineering problem to engage him before he was engaged by Loghain to assist in the defense of Fort Skillet . But, his assistance established a paternal relationship with Vyri. She absorbed everything he had to teach and became his assistant and bodyguard over the next few years.

Vyri is a skilled swordswoman, favoring the short blade and light armor popular among Durenese infantry. In addition, she has a technical mind encouraged by her tutelage under Nithewin. She has compartments within her prosthetic leg for the storage of lockpicks. She also carries a pistol with a variety of krafted ammunitions.

Vyri joined the Lion's Pride when Lionel moved to Abesko to study with the Baron Loghain . There was some friction between Vyri and Hassan initially as their skills were so similar that they competed for their place in the group. Eventually, they came together in their own desire to support Lionel. Near the end of her time with the Lion's Pride , she said goodbye to Nithewin as he left the area to flee investigators from Boradin

Following the signing of the Steamjack Accords  and the dissolution of the Lion's Pride , Vyri moved to Salony and started a new life. Lionel maintains contact and sometimes requests that she play the role of messenger between himself and Prince Stephan Strom.
ex-Player Character
Played by Marilou Goodwin
Current Location
Year of Birth
5071 MS 26 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale caucasian
5' 6"
130 lbs
Aligned Organization


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