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The Summer Star Shines

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


The Antiquarian Association returns to Ljuk and retrieves the now completed Summer Star from Linus Tully . They test it in the plains between Ljuk and Caer-Konig , drawing the attention of Auril and the Szall, Giak subrace s of Karkolohk .

The Antiquarian Association returns to Ljuk and retrieves the now completed Summer Star. Linus Tully , Sally Tride , and Cooper Knobberknocker have completed added the final ring. The three of them fear to test it but turn it over happily, excited to see what will happen.

The The Antiquarian Association test the star in the plains between Ljuk and Caer-Konig. Upon activation, it flies into the sky clearing the cloud cover of The Great Darkness of the North  for a 2.5 mile radius. The clouds stay clear going into the night.

That night, The Antiquarian Association draws the attention of a group of Szall, Giak subrace s. The Szalls were tipped off to the location of the party by Klondorn , who believes that they will eventually turn their attention to the New Dwarven Empire of Kalte . Zizi negotiates a truce by revealing herself as a Giak .

During negotiations, both groups are set upon by Auril who flies above them on her itikar raining ice storms and hail upon them. She is driven away by the unexpected resistance of both groups.

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