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Bilaiya Rin

Bilaiya Rin

Bilaiya is a Human male priest of Tulek . He began his career studying magic in Dessi , but turned to Tulek after slavers destroyed his hometown along the Tentarias.

Unable to join the army as they sailed to Dessi to fight against the Drow Empire , he joined The Loser's Club in their attempt to locate an alternative route to the Drow Empire capital.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Bilaiya has some small talent with Psychometabolism Discipline .  He rarely relies on these talents, and often wears a chain vest, suffereing a -2 to his psionic skill checks.  It allows him to perform the following feats:
  • He can change his outward appearance, mimicking other individuals and increasing or decreasing his size by 15%
  • He can move blood flow away from injured areas, 25% nonresistant physical dmg reduction
Bilaiya studied magic for a time before his homeland was razed.  He has some small talent with Magi Magic .  He rarely uses his magic, and often wears chain vest, suffering a -3 to his magic skill checks. It allows him to perform the following feats:
  • He can call upon magical burst of force to inflict damage on opponents, 1d6 RKA
  • He can detect magic, Magical Detect, as Sense , 14-
  • He can call up minor illusions, used more for illustration than deception, Images, visual only, 1 hex
Year of Death
4459 MS
Circumstances of Death
Slain fighting the avatar of Lolth
Aligned Organization


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