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Finding the Unseen



The Antiquarian Association is robbed when they stop for the evening at Caer-Konig . They pursue the thieves to Aluksha, The Absent Fortress , and with the help of Speaker Trovus , dispatch them all.

The Antiquarian Association arrives in Caer-Konig just after sundown on December 19, MS 5096. As they arrive , they are accosted by Trovus and they injure his arm.

They settle in at the the Northern Lights and quickly hear about the theft of the magic lantern, for which the inn is named. Before turning the party splits up and explores the town. Dax , Zizi , and Tripitika visit the Ruined Caer while Leviticus and Dante visit Hook, Line, and Sinker .

When they return, they find that their supplies have been stolen. They begin to track the Drodarin, or dwarf that broke into their homes. With Atenas Swift 's help, they track the Drodarin, or dwarf back to Aluksha, The Absent Fortress . They dispatch Atenas Swift to fetch Trovus , and they return an hour later.

The group captures the lone guard in the middle of the night, and invade the small fortress. They find a small group of Drodarin, or dwarf , equipped with growth and invisibility potions. The prisoners claim to be part of the New Dwarven Empire of Kalte and claim allegiance to Xardorok Solderth . The party recovers a note indicating the presence of another group at the ferry in Easthaven .

Related Location
Aluksha, The Absent Fortress
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Magnamund World History
The Antiquarian History