Soultrembling and Presence Ending.

Political event


The party's social mistake with Noraferox within the Clan Kloughda Burrow exposed them to a greater example of her nightmarish title of Soultrembler.  All of the Silver Wardens except for Deryn fell prey to her night terrors but in the end made a deal to free the surrounding lands of her presence for 100 years and to free the Haggards from their deal.

In Dealing with the Clan Kloughda Burrow, the Silver Wardens put themselves directly back in Noraferox's dealings. The heroes had entered into what was contractually her domain without her permission. In trying to climb out from the subterranean catacombs, Nora revealed herself and bade them to stay and rest in her company. She conjured food and Wardens at freely of it though only a few paid for the food. Even then, Nora continued to present opportunities to take from her. In the end, only Deryn was free from the hag's binds of hospitality.   The following night, Nora crept into the party's dreams to reek havoc.  The party separated as they continued on in a sweep around the region to speak with the Haggards, gather supplies from the Alderidge Academy, and pick up packages from Galley View.   Valen's independent time with Haggards left him verbally abused and disgraced.  They urged him to join Clan Haggard and take up the mantle of leader.  He was a hero and it was time to leave the humans and come home.  When he refused, they grew angrier and angrier, chewing him out until the point that Valen left, walking out on the halflings.   Days ahead of Valen on the road, the rest of the party made it to the edgeline of the Bramble Thicket before making camp.  In the night, an airship arrived to talk with Deryn about business.  Before that happened though, Jorg was pulled away with news that a sailor by the name of "Dallow" or "Dolfus" was here and looking for him based on rumors of the Silver Wardens.  Jorg thought this to be his old captain Dalofin.  Upon Heading to the captain, he found a pale elf: his thought dead and burned mentor Falfinas.   Back off the ship, Deryn was given an order from the Phaloxil military to apprehend Wulfgar and Torinn on charges of murder.  The two decided to let the following play out trusting their companion to see them through before having to defend themselves.  Manacled and shackled, they were brought into the ship's brig and only once detained did an official of Phaloxil decend the steps with a blunderbus decreeing them guilty and sentenced to immediate execution.  The official, knight, and Deryn immediate began the assault on the bound duo as they attempted to break free or fight bound.   Upstairs, the polite conversation of mentor/mentee slowly turned sour as Falfinas threw blame at Jorg and aggressively questioned him why the man let the elf die.  Eventually, a sudden chase took place as a feral and gauntly contorted Falfinas tried to feast on Jorg.  Jorg bolted for the sounds of his friends fighting beneath.  The eventual clash of the two battles brought flashes of black and red otherworlds filled with tendrils and tentacles.   
When Jorg managed to slay the ghoulish Falfinas, he fully entered the nightmarish landscape.  There in, he found Nora speaking to the true Deryn about the nightmares her friends were having and what it might take for the hag to leave.  In the end, Jorg offered Noraferox the return of the shadowfell shard that was her tooth. The tooth was found in Duskbull's possessions after the claiming of Argenhill. The tooth served as a two-way street of her sight and influence over the possessor but also a possible inverse.  With the hag wanted to relieve the party of it before they grew powerful enough to use it.  In exchange, Noraferox promised to be gone from the region for one hundred years and cease any ongoing ties with with the Haggards or any other commoner at present.  The hag made sure to exclude the party's previous deals but was happy to take the opportunity to vacation elsewhere.   The party then awoke the morning after the Kloughda Burrow incident and continued on their way.