Bulwark Mechanatus Military Formation in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Bulwark Mechanatus

The model requested by Percival to protect his mill in Milltown. These models are slightly smaller than the Primus Mechanatus but are far tougher and more resilient than them. They are sturdy and are not destroyed easily seeing as they are immune to magic on top of being extremely well armored.



There are currently 20 Bulwark models in service. They protect the great mill from any who might try to sabotage it whether intentionally or not. The Mill is the center piece of Milltown's economy and without it the town would collapse. 10 Bulwarks are stationed on the north and and 10 on the south bridge. There are no more models scheduled for production, but they may be produced in the future to augment legion strength.


Bulwark Mechanatus wield massive shields. They have a gauntlet for bashing as well, but their centerpiece is their shield that they use to bash their enemies more often than they hit using their gauntlet.


Bulwarks use their shields as area control. They place their shields down and make it nigh impossible to get around them. Bulwarks are already hard to hit due to the metal used in their construction and that combined with their shields make them next to impossible to damage. The Bulwark doesn't try to kill people who try to damage the mill and instead just stop them from crossing the bridge to get to the mill in the first place. The town guards are then called to deal with the rabble and bring them into custody. Bulwarks center all of their strategies around their shield using it to block, bash, and stop enemies from moving forwards.
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