Legatus Mechanatus Military Formation in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Legatus Mechanatus

Large golems that have become the protectors of Sunreach. The bases of the Legatus Mechantus are created by SITE and then further enchanted by the University of the Sun to increase its power. These golems are imposing, but friendly to law-abiding citizens in Sunreach even doing small tasks for them if it doesn't conflict with their orders from superior officers.



There are several models of Legatus Mechanatus' each with a differing amount of numbers. The most numerous is the Standard Model that is used at checkpoints throughout Sunreach and so far around 70 have been created. The two least numerous are the Mithral sprinter which is still being tested for use with the Venandi and The Tower which was created, but currently is unneeded. The University of the Sun creates a new Legatus Mechanatus every week to be stationed through Sunreach.


Standard Legatus Mechanatus are equipped fairly basically only wielding large weapons of varying types such as swords and hammers. The Mechanatus are also powered with radiant energy meaning if Sunreach deploys the mechanatus into battle it is capable of being hit with radiant spells from mages from the various colleges and will harm those around the mechanatus while healing the mechanatus.


Mechanatus are used as guards throughout Sunreach. They work with the local guardsman to protect the citizens and capture any wrongdoers. They are also made to appear as a friendly face for the people of Sunreach because so long as you are a citizen of Sunreach and haven't broken any laws they can ask the mechanatus for any minor task that doesn't interfere with their orders.   In battle the Mechanatus are combined with mages from the colleges of Sunreach who can transform their spells into radiant energy harming enemies while healing the mechanatus. The Mechanatus is sent into the think of the fighting with a delayed radiant fireball on the mechantus. The radiant fireball then explodes healing any damage done in the charge while killing those around it or wounding them greatly. Then the mage may fire another radiant fireball to finish the job and the gap would be quickly filled by legionnaires exploiting the hole in the enemy line.


Mechanatus are created and programmed with their training and thus don't need any training past the creation of the golems. They are skilled fighters thanks to the abilities of the mages who craft the golems. They are capable of being kind to the citizens of Sunreach or savage to those who want to destroy it.
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