Primus Mechanatus Military Formation in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Primus Mechanatus

Variant of the Legatus Mechanatus, the Primus Mechanatus acts as the guards of Kata'Sol. They protect the bridges leading up into Kata'Sol as well as inside the castle itself. Primus Mechanatus are large and regal. They are crafted out of marble white material trimmed with gold. They are impressive as well as some of the best fighters seeing as they are there to protect the Sentinels. Primus Mechanatus rarely do any tasks that citizens ask of them as their task to protect Kata'Sol can't be infringed upon and moving from their post opens up the castle to attack.



The Primus Mechanatus currently have 50 models that protect Kata'Sol. All Primus protect the castle and aren't deployed anywhere else. Their orders to protect the castle are paramount and take orders from others very rarely as it could interfere with there duty to protect the castle.


Primus Mechanatus like their standard models wield a variety of weapons. Some wield massive swords, others hammers, some sword and shields whether physical or magic. Many are given potions of cure wounds in order to help any minor injuries suffered by citizens nearby or to be given to Sunreach officials that may have gotten injured.
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