Lileän Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Lileän (Lil-e-aa-n)

Halfling-born Axions and Tieflings of Urro, typically of Devilish descent. Like all of the Cosmic Races, their appearance and abilities can vary wildly, but they usually share the red skin associated with the Passel Tieflings. They often have a strange birthmark and are usually afflicted with some minor curse; it is believed that these were imbued into them by Asmodeus to make them easier to enslave, as a vast majority of Lileän's work under Passel masters in some capacity, either as indentured or paid servants, or outright slavery.


Major language groups and dialects

Most Lileän speak Urrok Common and have limited knowledge of Infernal. Due to their low status, many are not permitted to speak what Infernal they know, as Infernal is considered a profane language reserved for those chosen by the Hellforge.

Average technological level

The Lileän share their technological levels with the Passel, although they rarely gain access to the fiendish summoning tools used by their masters.

Common Etiquette rules

Due to their servant status, most Lileän are heavily trained in formal etiquette and polite customs. Every Passel knows that a well-trained Lileän is never heard, and rarely even seen. Many Lileän utilize their overlooked status to secretly undermine their masters, selling information they've learned to political rivals or enemy nations.

Common Dress code

The Lileän are expected to dress very formally and conservatively at all times, wearing heavy robes that conceal most of their bodies. Females are encouraged to wear head coverings, while males must keep their hair combed. The exception to this is the area of their profane birthmark, which is expected to be shown at all times to reinforce their status as Asmodean property. This means that only Lileän with easily acessable birthmarks, such as on the face, neck, or arms, have value as high-class servants. Those with birthmarks in areas considered "uncouth", such as the feet, torso, or buttocks area are considered at best only fit for hard labor away from the eyes of pleasant society.

Art & Architecture

While they are often used as bulk laborers for building projects, the Lileän are not generally permitted to design their own buildings. However, most Lileän have their own house built by their masters. For noble Passel families, such houses are usually small mirrors of their own, with their own ornate furnishings a level beneath their masters. A Lileän is a reflection of their master, and thus those that live poorly reflect poorly on their masters. Unfortunately, these town-houses are much less luxurious for Lileän workers in poorer areas, as they are often packed to the brim with undesirable Lileäns. It is even worse for the Lileän who manifest curses that force them to be unable to work. These Lileän, known as Unsalvageable, are left to fend for themselves in ramshackled huts, often from childhood when their curse first manifests. Although it is forbidden by many masters, many Lileän secretly band together to caretake for the Unsalvageables, leaving small bags of food and other provisions when they can.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The first thing that occurs for a newborn Lileän is the inspection of their profane birthmark. If born into slavery or in under the employment of a Passal master, this inspection is either done by the master or other member of the household specialized in this role. For free-born Lileän, the parents undertake this inspection, as it is still incredibly important to the babies future. Depending on the location of this birthmark, the baby is then regulated into training based on their new status. If low-status Lileän give birth to a child with a promising mark, they are often tempted to sell them into indentured servitude or even slavery, as the money received and the status gained from a family member working for a noble can be a life-changing amount. Attempting to fake a promising birthmark is also common, especially when high-born Lileän who are used to a more comfortable lifestyle give birth to an Unsalvageable. Unfortunately, this is quite difficult to do effectually, and the punishment is quite sever if caught; usually such punishment involves being sent to either Hellknight training camps to be live training dummies, or to the Hellforge itself to be torment under infernal devils.

Coming of Age Rites

The Lileän are expect to either be useful to society or to serve their Passal masters as soon as they can walk and talk effectively, and thus have no official rites, being trained to serve from the earliest possible moments. Those that don't swiftly learn to adapt find themselves the targets of dangerous jobs, bloodletting, or even ritual sacrifice to appease summoned devils.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The funerary customs for the Lileän varies by estate that they are serving. For generous masters who they have pleased, such masters usually permit a small crypt constructed near the Lileän townhouse to inter those who have served well. Free-born Lileän often save up to purchase an ornate urn, in which they store the ashes of their entire family through the generations. Unfortunately, cruel masters who either cut costs or rule over large work groups often simply dig large mass graves for any servants who die under their "care".

Common Taboos

Many decades of Hellforge propaganda states that the Lileän are being punished for breaking a contract with Asmodeus, and thus they believe that if they serve faithfully enough, one day they will atone for their transgressions and be free from their Asmodean curse. This means that few Lileän, at least overtly, are willing to give any sort of resistance to the rule of the Hellforge. Even for those acting in secret rebellion, taking action openly is shunned, as any form of open rebellion could bring extremally harsh punishment for the Lileän as a whole.

Common Myths and Legends

It is wildly believed that after the Separation, and the onset of demonic incursions from the Pit, the halflings of Urro begged Asmodeus and his devils for protection, and became important to the foundation and expansion of Skatoria. However, once relative peace and stability was established, the halflings attempted to forgo their end of the deal and rebel against the Hellforge. Angered by this, Asmodeus cursed the halflings with profane energy, transforming them into the Lileän. Many Lileän who are fighting for freedom (often in other countries), disavow this version of history, pointing out Asmodeus' tendency to distort the truth.


Beauty Ideals

The Lileän attempt to imitate their Passals ideals, with very kempt hairstyles and regal mannerisms. They are heavily conscientious of their profane birthmarks and curses, and work to incorperate them in a way that accentuates their natural beauty. Unfortunatly, due to the popularity of bloodletting in Asmodean religious practices, many Lileän bear numerous scars from such profane ceramonies.

Gender Ideals

Due to their service under their misogynistic Passel masters, the Lileän have been forced to take on similar gender roles, with female Lileän only good for housework and childrearing, Lileän woman often suffer greatly under Passal masters, as they have little recourse to fight back against injustices. However, most of the project ideals of the Lileän are surface level in order to appease their masters, and many Lileän men help to support their woman-folk behind closed doors.

Courtship Ideals

Lileän relationships are determined by their social status, with those serving nobles often being paired with each other by said nobles, or paired based on their birthmarks in order to produce more attractive Lileän. Free Lileän must act carefully to ensure that they obtain all legal documents for proper marriage, lest they violate one of Skatorias many laws and find themselves back in bondage. Due to the traditional Lileän workload, those that are actively courting each other spend what little free time they can get simply lounging around and enjoying each others presence.

Relationship Ideals

The Lileän are well versed in master-servant relationships, as most are servants of some kind to Passel masters. Thus, they are always cordial and polite, even when not on duty, just in case their master is listening in. Those of a similar caste are quick to become fast friends, and will often help to cover for each others weaknesses.

Major organizations

Nearly all Lileäns work as servants and slaves to the Urran nation of Skatoria, either in the fields or as personal workers to noble families.
Encompassed species
Related Locations
Instead of rolling for their Otherwordly Trait and Physical Features, a Lileän can select the following traits.   Asmodean Curse: A Lileän gains an Oracle Curse. If this curse would give them a spell, they may only cast it once per day. Most often, they gain the Hellbound curse.   Profane Birthmark: A Lileän gains a birthmark somewhere on their body. This birthmark usually takes the shape of Asmodeus' unholy symbol.


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