Mongrel Species in Matera | World Anvil
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Mongrel (Mon-grell)

When two races that normally don’t mix come together to form an offspring, very rarely do they succeed in their endeavor, spawning a Mongrel. Generally shunned by both parent races, Mongrels are a complex mix of two heritages, and their often conflicting nature can cause them a great deal of distress.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Being a mix of two races, each mongrel is unique and inherits traits from either parent.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mongrels cannot reproduce themselves, and thus are extremely rare in the world. The birth of many mongrels is often a hard process on the mother, and many mothers of mongrels do not survive childbirth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Mongrels often struggle while growling, as their mixed blood often means that their growth rates differ wildly from both of their parents. Often not being able to go to either parent for advice, most mongrels must work things out on their own.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mongrels usually share the dietary needs of both parents, which can be quite problematic when two species with vastly different food habits mix, and may even have to have food specially prepared for them in able to digest it.

Biological Cycle

Mongrels often share the same biological cycle of one of their parents, but sometimes are extremely affected by things that don't affect either parent.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Mongrels are often outcast from both of the societies of their parents, as they are often just too different to be easily accepted. Many find themselves secluded or abandoned, and often make their way into the seedier parts of society, where no one cares about their appearance.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Sometimes unscrupulous wizards or alchemist, as well as slavers, forcefully breed creatures in attempts to create mongrels; either to try to negate one species weakness, to create a more efficient slave, or simply because they can. Such experiments rarely end well for any party.

Facial characteristics

Mongrels facial features vary greatly based on its parents species; A Dwarf-Orc mongrel might spout a mighty beard on their otherwise normal orc body, or might have a green complexion with sharp teeth on a dwarven frame.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mongrels are quite rare, but are slightly more common in areas were two races frequently meet, such as the border villages between kingdoms or near the borderlands between realms.

Average Intelligence

A mongrels intelligence varies based on its parents species, but they sometimes can be born abnormally intelligent or mentally stunted for their race. A Goblin-Gnome might suffer from terrible strange skin defects, but might hold a mind that truly none could comprehend.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mongrels often share at least one of their parents sensory capabilities.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Mongrels share the naming conditions of the parent who raised them, often taking a name from either parent in the cases were both raised the child.

Beauty Ideals

Mongrels often can't successfully live up to the beauty standards of either of their parents species, and thus often struggle with their self-image.

Gender Ideals

Mongrels usually share the gender ideals of the parent who raised them, but they often share the struggle of both a negative gender ideal and their half-breed stigma, making life that much harder for them.

Courtship Ideals

Being unable to reproduce and often failing to meet the beauty standards of their race, many mongrels lack the ability to make courtships at all. Thus, many mongrels frustrations and isolation lead them to violence or worse. However, the mixing of their traits means that some mongrels find it much easier to relate to other species who a normal member of their race would not associate with, and can lead to new and exciting relationships.

Relationship Ideals

Mongrels struggle to make friends or even basic relationships, as their mixed blood and inherited traits often clash with the standards of whatever species they are raised with. They are able to much easier relate to other half-races, such as Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, and Half-Giants, due to similar circumstances.

Average Technological Level

Mongrels usually share  the technological levels of the parent who raised them, but sometimes mongrels raised in a low-tech society often brakes the mold to create new inventions, especially when their other parent was a more technology-driven race.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Mongrels often speak the base languages of both of their parents, and will often pick up other languages that the parent that raised them speak.

Common Etiquette Rules

Mongrels share the same etiquette codes of the parent that raised them, and must struggle to conform to both standards when raised by both parents.

Common Dress Code

Mongrels share the same dress codes as the parent who raised them, but sometimes their unique physiology means that clothing might need to be specially tailored to them.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Most mongrels share the culture of the parent who raised them, but in many cases of a mongrel raised by on one parent, the mongrel will often set out to discover the culture of its other parent.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Mongrels usually share the traditions of the parent who raised them, but will often try to weave elements from their other parent into these traditions.

Common Taboos

A mongrels taboos depend on the society that raised it, but a mongrel is much more likely to be more accepting of half-breed races and cosmic races then the normal members of their race.

Historical Figures

One of the legendary Lancrik Pirates was a massive half-Crawling, Half-Pinchling named Trogar.   One of the members of the Nenu-Lan guild, The Court of Misfits, was a Half-Aasimar, Half-Tiefling holy warrior named Enzo Ratwick.

Common Myths and Legends

Without a patron god, mongrels can be found worshipping deities all over the pantheon, although many worship one of the gods of their parents. They also often worship Bir-Tarha, the Protector of Love, as she preaches acceptance of all people regarldess of their race or looks.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Mongrels have few good relations with other races, as most shun them as twisted abominations born of forbidden love. This hatred is often more prevalent in their parent races, but depending on the society, some might welcome the mongrel as a new blessing in the world, and attempt to raise it to the best standards of both its parents.

Racial Table - Mongrel: Hit Dice: Same as parent races; Class Skills: Any 5 of the parents class skills; Skill Ranks Per Level: Same as parent races; Weapon Proficiency: Simple, plus one racial weapon proficiency of each parent; Armor Proficiency: Same as parent races
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Abilities
1st Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Dual Heritage, Mixed Blood, Unique Physiology
2nd Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Heritage
3rd Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Heritage
4th Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Heritage, +1 to the Unique Physiology scores
5th Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Heritage, Master of Mixed Blood

Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Intutive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3
Average of Parent Races +(Add parents Intuitive dice together) +(Add parents Self-Taught dice together) +(Add parents Trained dice together)
1This category includes armigers, barbarians, bloodragers, imbuers, kineticists, leaches, oracles, psychics, ravelers, realmstriders, rogues, sorcerers, and spiritualists     2This category includes antipaladins, arcanist, armorsmiths, bards, brawler, cavaliers, fighters, gamblers, gunslingers, hunters, mediums, mesmerist, paladins, pantheists, rangers, samurai, shamans, skalds, slayers, spellthiefs, summoners, swashbucklers, tricksters, vigilantes, wardens, weaponsmiths, and witches.   3This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, explorers, inquisitors, investigators, jewelers, magi, monks, mortalists, ninjas, occultists, painters, travelers, tinkerers, warpriests, wizards and zealots.  
Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races
Female Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races

Mongrel Aging Table
Middle Age (-1 to Str, Dex, and Con, +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Old (-2 to Str, Dex, and Con, +2 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Venerable (-3 to Str, Dex, and Con, +3 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Maximum Age (GM secretly decides maximum age)
Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races Average of Parent Races

Random Mongrel Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-40 Raised by singular parent (Roll on table for selected parent)
41-70 Raised by both parents Worldly
71-83 Abandoned Bastard
84-94 Adopted (Roll on Adoption table, then roll on table of the adopted race)
95-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)

Random Mongrel Families
% Rolled Parental Status
01-50 Only your Father is alive
51-70 Both your parents are alive
71-90 Both your parents are dead
91-00 Only your Mother is alive
Random Mongrel Siblings (Roll separately on both parent tables for half-siblings)
% Rolled # of Siblings
01-90 No siblings
91-95 1d3-1 siblings
96-00 1d2 siblings
A mongrel often lives a number of years equal to the average of their parents lifespans, but usually develop health conditions that drastically reduce their life expectancy.
Average Height
Mongrels are usually the average height of the normal heights of their parents species, but sometimes are born abnormally small or large.
Average Weight
Mongrels are usually the average weight of the normal weights of their parents species, but sometimes are born abnormally light or heavy.
Average Physique
A mongrels physique varies greatly based on its parents species; usually they gain the general body type of their mothers species with a feature of their father, but such is not always the case. A Human-Halfling mongrel might simply seem like a short human or tall halfling, and might never even realize their own nature.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mongrels skin color varies greatly based on its parents species, but the most common sign of a mongrel is a different skin tone from either race.


Type Mongrels share the types and subtypes of both their parents.
Ability Score Modifier See Unique Physiology below.
Size medium
Speed Mongrels have a base speed equal to the average of their parents' base land speeds. If both of a mongrel's parent races have another form of movement speed, a mongrel gains the average of that as well.
Language A mongrel begins play speaking the base languages of their parents. A mongrel with a high intelligence score can pick from any of the of either parent races bonus languages.

  • Materil: Mongrels can be tied to any Materil of its parent races.
  • Senses: If both of the mongrels' parent races share a sense, a mongrel gains that sense. If only one of the parents has a special sense, the mongrel must select it as part of their heritage.
  • Dual Heritage: At character creation, a mongrel chooses one racial trait from each of its parent races and gains those racial traits. If those traits do similar things, such as granting a racial bonus on a skill check, those bonuses stack together to determine the total bonuses. Additionally, mongrel always inherits any racial weakness traits (any trait with a negative RP score), such as light sensitivity, from either of its parent races. At each racial level, they can select any other racial ability from one of their parent races from that parent's racial abilities, as long as that ability is gained at an equal or lower level to the mongrel's current racial level.
  • Mixed Blood: A mongrel can only be born from two creatures that share a type. Two humanoids can create a mongrel, but a humanoid and an aberration cannot. Any two races that already create half-race, such as human and elf, cannot create a mongrel, instead creating an offspring that would be normal to such paring. A cosmic race can only create a mongrel when paired with another different cosmic race, otherwise the result will always be another of the cosmic race. A changeling cannot produce a mongrel, as well as any races that do not reproduce in a normal fashion, such as the Alba, Gear, or Gemillions. A mongrel is always treated as both races for the purposes of effects that rely on race, and can take feats or traits normally exclusive to that race.
  • Unique Physiology: Each mongrel is uniquely different, and thus they have varying ability scores, The mongrel gains the racial bonus to any physical or mental score of one parent, and the bonus to any score in the opposite category from the other parent, and a -4 penalty on any other ability score. If the races share any penalties, you must choose one of them for your -4 .Ex. If an Elf and a Dwarf create a Mongrel, the Mongrel could have any of the following stats +2 Dex from Elf, +2 Wis from Dwarf, -4 Another, or +2 Con from Dwarf, +2 Int From Elf, -4 Another.
  • Mixed Blood Master: At 5th racial level, a mongrel becomes immune to any harmful effects that are based on either of its parents' race, and gains advantage on all rolls pertaining to either race.

Alternate Racial Traits
  • Dominant Blood: Some mongrels inherit a bit more from one parent over the other. A mongrel with this trait chooses one parent race, and gains the exact ability scores modifiers from that race. This trait replaces the Unique Physiology trait.
  • Fusion: Some mongrels are created through dark rituals and twisted science instead of a romantic relationship. Such fusions often struggle even greater than their more passible kin. A fusion mongrel chooses two parents of different types, such as one of the vermin Enthos and a humanoid Catfolk. A fusion has all the normal mongrel abilities, but takes an additional -2 to any one of their ability score modifiers that is a different category from their -4. This trait alters the mongrels Mixed Blood trait and ability score modifiers.


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