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Nostale Lorseler Anmor

A drow wizard and a member of the adventuring party Spagma.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Nostale is a rare breed of half-drow who inherited the drow spell resistance, allowing her to push of the effects of harmful magic.

Specialized Equipment

Nostale was able to steal a powerful spellbook from the Loreseler family before she was banished, and thus has several powerful spells at her disposal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cast out of their family for their shameful heritage, Nostale began utilized the drow magic they learned to rob and harass the smaller villages in Ardlam. Eventually, she caught the attention of Lughi’a Hafqu’umu, who was able to defeat her and swore her into his service as a member of his adventuring party Spagma. After Spagma left Ardlam and went into Central Matera, the group became friends with another party, Those Who Knock. Nostale helped rescue Those Who Knock from a horde of swamp goblins, but the two parties ended up stumbling into and ruining the birthday party of a powerful fey named Cuberth Bulltlerbuts. Cuberth defeated the groups and demanded that they head north to Mol-Mirek retrieve a powerful relic as recompense for their trespass.   After a series of harrowing adventures, Nostale and the two adventuring groups eventually made their way into the heart of Mol-Mirek, and was able to retrieve the relic, the Skull of Kyleth the Wise Troll, said to hold incredible amounts of knowledge and secrets of the natural world. Cuberth than emerged and demanded the relic as his birthday present. Lionslayer gave the relic over, and Cuberth summoned the trolls spirt, hoping to learn his secrets, and unleashed the troll spirt and his gremlin horde on the parties as a "birthday dance". Nostale slew many gremlins with her spells, and even wounded Cuberth, but was struck down by his magical blade, deleting her body from existence.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
17th of Amara, 4,065 A.C.
Date of Death
27th of Ixa, 4,103 A.C.
4065 4103 38 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain in battle by Cuberth Bulltlerbuts
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Undercommon, Ard Common, Elven, Drow-Sign Language, and Maran Common


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