The Dark Spirit Character in Matera | World Anvil
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The Dark Spirit

The Spirit-Daemon of the Night

An dark entity said to be the embodiment of the night, the Dark Spirit is worship by those who call upon dark and mysterious forces, as well as those who seek immortality. If it has a true name, it is unknown outside of the cults most valued members. Most of the Chirat species believe that it was once the Primal Beastman of the chirat, but ascended to godhood and concealed its past to protect itself from jealous gods. A small portion of the chirat believe that the Dark Spirit instead slew or imprisoned the original Primal Beastman and took its power for itself.

Divine Domains

The Dark Spirit has purview over the powers of night, as well as power over spirits.   Its divine followers gain access to the Darkness, Death, Evil, Repose, and Trickery Domains, as well as the Deception, Night, Souls, and the Undead subdomains.


It is common for followers of the Dark Spirit to have onyx-embedded daggers that can magically draw out the souls of others to imprison them within.    Some believe that the Dark Spirit and his followers where somehow involved in the creation and maintaining of the cage said to imprison the Titan of Fear, Phob, deep in the Sea of Shadow.

Holy Books & Codes

The Dark Spirit has no holy books, instead whispering to its priests directly through the shadows of the world. Preists often record this sinister speech in their own books, but they never look upon such words in the light, as it can cause the book to grow shadowy tendrils that attack all around it.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Dark Spirits unholy symbol appears as a dark and twirling wisp of smoke. Its unholy animal is a bat, and its sacred colors are black and brown.

Tenets of Faith

The Daemon-Spirit of the Nights holy code is as follows:
  • I will take the lives of others so that I may continue to live forever in service of the Dark One.
  • I will remain hidden in the shadows and will kill those who would bring our secrets into the light.
  • I will further the goals of the church during the night, so that the Daemon of the Darkness can watch my work. During the day, my actions will divert the attention of others away from the church.
  • The only ones I remain loyal to are my brothers and sisters in darkness. All others are just energy for the Spirit of the Night.
  • I will serve underneath the dark spirits of the nightstalkers and other undead fully. If one needs it, I will give over my essence without hesitation.
  • When it comes time for me to ascend to nighthood, I will not hesitate to join the Dark Spirit.


Those who follow the Dark Spirit have no set holidays, but believe that nights of the new moon are sacred nights ordained by the Spirit-Daemon. Its followers zealously track eclipses, considering them to be the most unholy of days that empower them to commit their vile acts out in the open.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Dark Spirits goals seem to be acquiring as much life force as possible; but beyond that its goals are obscure and unknown. Many believe that the Dark Spirit never achieved full divinity, and instead substitutes its divine power by consuming souls. Some think that the eternal night of Skovasil is due to the machinations of the Dark Spirit, and many fear it is plotting to plunge other realms into darkness to further increase its power.

Physical Description

Facial Features

The Dark Spirit has bat-like features, with wicked fangs and claws.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Most of the Dark Spirits followers believe the Spirit-Daemon to be male, but it seems to have no interest in elaborating on its gender.


Contacts & Relations

The Dark Spirit's herald is a mysterious creature known as The Thing in The Dark, an creature shrouded in magical shadow that stalks its victims across entire realms, and is said to be so terrifying that the mere sight of it causes instant death.   The Spirit-Daemon is served by a race of lesser Nightshades known as Nightstalkers. These nightsides appear as shadowed silhouettes who wield twin daggers and steal the breath of those it strikes. They are especially hated for their ability to enslave the souls of children they slay, transforming them into attic whispers.   The Dark Spirit is often associated with Grimm, the first undead, although some records state the the Dark Spirit predates him and might be another form of undead. They both deal with raising the and using the undead, with the Dark Spirit utilizing incorporeal undead and Grimm utilizing corporeal undead. Many believe that the Daemon-Spirit was somehow involved in Grimms transformation. Like Grimm, it views Death as an eternal enemy to be overcome.   Herthicara, the dwarven goddess of Warriors, views the Dark Spirit has one of her greatest enemies, and her followers are quick to react when Breathdrinker activity is noticed.   Wouhaus, the gnommish goddess of Shadows, views the Dark Spirit as a mentor figure, and often aids its cult in gaining supplies.    The Dark Spirit detest Giwathil, the elven god of the Moon, as the moon breaks the night and prevents its activities from going completely unseen.

Family Ties

It is believed that the Dark Spirit is the progenitor of Phob, the Titan of Fear,  but happily helped the other gods imprison her to syphon her power.




Towards The Dark Spirit

The Dark Spirit


Towards Thanaloc

Divine Classification
Main Pantheon Deity
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Dark Spirit is mentioned by many names, including The Spirit Daemon of the Night, The Dark One, The Daemon of the Darkness, and the Night Bringer.
Date of Birth
Unknown, but first records appear to be dated around the 1st of Skova in the year 991
Year of Birth
991 3112 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Thanaloc (spouse)
Current Residence
The Sea of Shadows
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'5", but can change size
Quotes & Catchphrases
Common aphorisms of the Dark Spirit are:   Night Falls: Said at dusk and when partaking in stealth missions, it both praises the physical coming of the dark and the spiritual aspect of the death that their mission might bring.   The Shadows Hear: A code word whispered from member to member while undercover. It is a way to identify other members, as well as an indicator that the member has information to pass along.
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by @caitlinc37


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