The Infernal Wyrm Character in Matera | World Anvil
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The Infernal Wyrm

The Protector of Urro

The Great Wyrm of Urro

Divine Domains

Like all the great Wyrms, the Infernal Wyrms influence is greatly reduced since its death in the Age of Conflict. It is associated with the most evil of dragons, mostly Apocalypse, Infernal, Nightmare, Rift, and Void dragons, and is thought to be representative of the dragons ferocity and cruelty. It grants its clerics access to the Destruction and Scalykind domains, and the Catastrophe and Dragon subdomains.


Like all dragon-kind, the Infernal Wyrm's bones are said to hold great power. One belief is that her body was hollowed out and became the Pit, and thus many brave and/or foolish worshipers attempt to delve into the Pit in the hopes of gaining the lost bones.

Holy Books & Codes

Like all Great Wyrms, the Infernal left no holy books or writings of any kind, leaving its draconic offspring to interpret its wishes purly through ancestral instincts.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Like all of the Great Wyrms, the Eldests symbol is a curled up dragon, although its sigil is typically colored red and often has added spikes.

Tenets of Faith

As a dead deity, the Infernal has few-to-none enforceable tenants. Its major goal was the protection of Urro, and thus many of its draconic followers strive to live up to that ideal, a tall order in a realm dominated by scheming fiends. Many act as negotiators between the factions of the ten Fiendish Lords, as well as mercenaries helping to defend against the incursions of the hosts of the Celestial Paragons.


The 34th of Ura is celebrated both by sect followers, and followers of the various Fiendish Lords, as the Schpettl, or the Standing, celebrating the both the day the the Infernal Wyrm protected the realm from Cabmov, and to celebrate still being alive at the end of the year.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Infernal Wyrms main goal was the protection of Urro. Stories tell of them being on the front lines against the Rampage of Cabmov, and was crucial to holding them off until they could be imprisoned.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Infenral Wyrm is one of the two "youngest" Wyrms, emerging slightly behind their siblings, along with the Celestial Wyrm. It is said to have kept the fiends of Urro in check before the Age of Conflict, and was said to be one of the last of the Great Wyrms to perish. Legends tell of it single handidly holding off Cabmov's attention during its rampage, so that it could be bound inside the Pit, who many belive to be the Infernal Wyrms corpse. Followers of other relgions often dispute the accuracy of this history, siting evidence of other gods involvement in the battle.




Towards The Infernal Wyrm


The Infernal Wyrm


Towards Thanaloc


Divine Classification
Great Wyrm
Current Status
903 2500 1597 years old
Thanaloc (Partner)


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