The Celestial City Settlement in Material Plane 36 | World Anvil
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The Celestial City

A shining beacon on top of a sizable hill in an otherwise flat valley, The Celestial City is a town renown for its religious practices and divine providence, a symbol of all that is good and holy in the world.   The city was constructed by the early people of the upper Serene Basin with the envoy of Celestials. The most beloved of The Celestials, the Angel Lazar, set the city as the capital of the kingdom he was asked to rule and that was named after him, The Kingdom of Lazar.   The city features the grandest churches, temples, and monasteries of all good aligned deities of any city in the region, but other less grandiose worship buildings of all non-evil deities can be found throughout the city. Beggars from all over work tirelessly to make it to The Celestial City as the churches here are known for their incredible philanthropic and charitable efforts.   Crime is almost unheard of within the city walls due to the uncanny good nature everyone who enters the city gates feels while in the perimeter of the walls. You should be suspicious if you are asked to meet, alone outside the city walls, but there are those who would still take advantage of others even in as utopic city as this one.   The city is naturally light at night, despite not having any lamp posts, and is how the city got the alternate name, The City of Lights. Light simply emanates from the roads and building exteriors to light the roads and alleys. Beyond everyone in the city being magically not able to raise any weapons, crime is lowered even more due to this lighting.   The Chosen Children are head quarted here and have been so since their inception. They act as police, in a mostly ceremonial way, and central government during the time of the Lazahar Principalities.


31% Human , 20% Elf , 11% Half-Elf , 11% Dwarf, 9% Halfling, 7% Gnome, 4% Half-Orc, 7% Other


The city is on the only sizable hill within eyesight and has a wall surrounding it on all sides.


The vast majority of buildings are made from white stone and feature large arched windows, doors, and roofs. This stone is how the city got the name The White City. Stain glass and religious robes of the monks, priests, and clerics give the city its color.


  • The Celestial City - Map
    The Celestial City is a large walled city on top if a small hill made of a white sandstone. Between 300K and 400K inhabitants reside in the city, varying depending on the time of year and different religious events going on. The city is the seat of power for The Chosen Children, the capital of the Kingdom of Lazar in the time before The Fall of the Fraternity , and the capital of the Justiel Principality during the Lazahar Principalities.
Alternative Name(s)
The White City, The City of Light
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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