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Hosia the Timelord (God of Time)

Hosia is the King of the Gods and the only God in the pantheon created by the All-Father completely. He has seen much in his millennia as a god, and his failures have made him one of the humblest gods. He is the owner of the Sands of Time, an hourglass that allows him to see into the future with perfect clarity.

Divine Domains

Time, and Rulership

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Even amongst the different branches certain ritualistic items remain the same. First of all is the hourglass. Each priest has at least one hourglass to serve as his holy symbol. Also, any place of worship sanctified to Hosia must either contain a blessed hourglass or be in the shape of an hourglass itself.   Clothing: Priests of Hosia are not required to wear any specific clothing unless they are performing a church service. Then they are required to wear a floor length gray robe, that has been blessed and then left in the elements for the span of one year.   Items: Unlike most priesthoods Priests of Hosia are incapable of creating holy water. They instead have holy sand that is blessed and placed in their holy symbols. The temples of Hosia are grand buildings located in remote areas, usually in wilderness or atop high mountains. As noted above they either are in the shape of hourglasses or have grand hourglasses of Crystal inside as an altar. The powers of Temples of Hosia are negligible. they only have a bless spell for all priests within. However, they are protected fiercely by both the priests of Hosia, and Chronomancers.

Tenets of Faith

The priests of Hosia revere their god as the eternal father and protector of the universe. Hosia proclaims that the balance between the metaphysical aspects of the world is the primary function of the gods, and by maintaining that balance the gods protect all existence.     To that end, the church of Hosia supports a variety of forces within the world and trusts that in the fullness of time the balance will be served, and the world maintained.   The church preaches proper rule and adherence to the divine order of the world. This is not to say that the church is passive, because the struggle between the various forces of existence is the fulcrum upon which all reality rests. Each priest is given leave to support the natural order as they see fit, and often priests of Hosia will support good and evil civilizations equally with the understanding that the struggle between the two supports the balance.   Many priests of Hosia take on a monastic life and study reality to attempt to understand the nature of the divine order of the universe.   Since the start of the 3rd age, many have begun worshipping Hosia in his position as King of the Gods. These followers look to Hosia as the epitome of wise leadership. Many rulers and leaders of large organizations will pray to Hosia for the strength and wisdom to rule well.


Family Ties



Hosia the Timelord (God of Time)


Towards Astrix, Goddess of the Arts

Astrix, Goddess of the Arts


Towards Hosia the Timelord (God of Time)

Divine Classification
Greater God, Head of the Pantheon

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