Degrinoll Settlement in Meintalia | World Anvil
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One of the oldest settlements in Meintalia, Degrinoll is the ancestral home of the Elves and is considered the Elven capital of The Great Forest. It's name is Elvish for "Heart of the Forest".

The city was recently ravaged by War and Wrath with an army of demons, undead and goblinoids, leaving it a smouldering ruin.


Degrinoll is inhabited exclusively by Elves and a few Half-Elves. Whilst some individuals from other races are granted permission to vsit, nobody that isn't of Elvish blood is permitted to live here, as has been the way since the The Elder War. This is mainly due to the long lifespan of Elves and their long memories, rememberring the defilement of the city by other races during the war. Most of the Elves here are mages to some extent, usually of the nature domain. They don't believe in personal wealth, instead having a communal city fund that provies for all inhabitants equally. As such, many of the Elves here don't have jobs as such, they have hobbies and passions that are often considered typical professions in other cultures, like smiths, hunters, fletchers, etc.


Degrinoll is run by the The Elven Sovereignty, as it has been since the first era. The Sovereign, currently Sovereign Allura Everwood, is in charge of maintaining the wealth of the city through trade, usually taking place in the surrounding settlements, distributing and maintaining food supplies to the populace, deploying the local militia and the general upkeep of the city and forest.


Most of the populace of Degrinoll are somewhat trained in combat, however only around 10% of them are stationed as militia at any given time. Their main job is to patrol the forest as rangers, securing the borders and keeping the forest beasts and monsters at bay. The city itself is defended naturally on all sides by Lake Malar with only a single entry point so it's fairly lacking in structural defenses, instead relying on the bridge and Elven guard to protect the city from any potential threats.


The entire city sits on an island in the centre of Lake Malar, accessible only by a single bridge from the east. All of the "buildings" in the city, as well as the bridge, are organic structures made by magically manipulating the growth of trees to hollow them out and bend branches and boughs to form stairs and other structures. The Elven Palace sits in the centre of the city and a smattering of various stores, workshops and inns populate the main streets.

381 E4

Founding Date
856 E1
Alternative Name(s)
The Elven Capital, Forestheart
Location under
Owning Organization


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