Meintalia Geographic Location in Meintalia | World Anvil
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Meintalia is often considered the centre of the realms as this is where the God's and other deities have the most presence.
  Meintalia is a country on the eastern coast of the continent Nerunia, ruled by The Great Empire of Passola under the reign of it’s 32nd Emperor, Emperor Garrus IV. The country is split into twelve regions, each ruled by their own ruler, with the exception of the Karagors Mountain Range where there are Three acknowledged rulers. To the north of Meintalia, the cold country of Norwynne can be found, to the south the country of Sashakar where the Reaching Expanse claims much of the land, and to the west Enuthia, a once prosperous land before Faramel, God of Evil descended to the mortal planes 164 years ago and claimed it for his own, plunging it into darkness and decay. Meintalian’s have taken to calling this place The Deadlands as it’s inhabited primarily by demons, monsters, and many forms of the undead. Meintalia, under instruction from Empress Linea II, kindly took in any surviving refugees that made their way to the borders and held their own against Faramel in a 36 year long war, eventually losing Adale's Prairie to his influence and razing the Ryvern Plains. Neither region has recovered. Though the war ended and Faramel’s armies have ceased invasions, evidence of his influence is still present in the Arthrypt Wetlands and other westerly areas.
  Meintalia is ruled by a human Empire, though for the most part, the regions respective leaders are free to rule as they see fit, provided it doesn’t go against the Empires laws. Elves rule over The Great Forest, Degrinoll in their tongue, whilst the Dwarves rule the Karagros Mountains. The Sahlabao Desert is ruled by the Sahlahkeshi, the Arthrypt Wetlands by the Pogonians, the Snowfield eld by the Kalukons and the rest is ruled by Humans. Though there are other races that claim certain regions for themselves, the Empire does not recognise them as official rulers.
For the most part, the regions of Meintalia are happy to be a part of The Empire, though that doesn’t stop some civil disputes. The refugees in Ryvern tend to be hostile towards any sentient races other than humans and the Pogonian’s and Elves tend to keep to themselves. The Orcs are considered to be hostile towards all other races however this is just a trait of the species rather than a feud as in Orc culture strength is what determines leaders and the weak are cast out.


Regions of Meintalia

Regions of Meintalia

A visual guide to the different regions in Meintalia. For a better look at the map and a guide to the settlements and areas of interest, click here.

Map of Meintalia


A detailed map showing the settlements and major points of interest in Meintalia. For a brief overview of the region borders, click here.


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